Shrinky dink.
It was a stumbleupon discovery.
It re-uses number 6 plastic which you'll identify by the triangle symbol on the bottom of strawberry/ croissant type containers.
H. and I have experimented with other numbers, and they do not work. Of course, you can buy the plastic at Michael's and of course they have lots of choices... colors... printer friendly etc....
H. refuses to use it since the eco appeal is lost.
Start by sanding it. Then draw/write on it. Hole punch before baking.
"shrinky dink" goes on parchment paper on cookie sheet and then into oven for I think it said 250 but we went with 325 F. (faster was better) watch until that poor little piece of plastic is done contorting and 'shrinking'The process of the plastic shrinking in your oven is alarming... but the recovery is fun to watch... ie. curls outside first. As you know; the hole punch is useful as a charm... or button etc.

and oh I could go on..equally free and fun. is.. fusing plastic. ......
(that's my "bags4darfur" wallet; made by BB. That's where I stash all those cheques, and receipts from which bag made it to the post office, etc. Marvelous use of landfill waste.
Hey L. see that orange one in the background? The wallet with the pumpkin face on it? I think I inadvertently lifted it from your house, scooping it up with those great fabrics you gave.
I guess that gives me a really good reason to make it to your estate again some time soon.....)
Aren't you terribly curious who or how that term came about shrinky dink. I can't say it without turning pink. I like to turn pink alot so I say it often.Joyce I'll be thinking of you as I pass the La Salle today.
Yeah... You and Gophercheeks, such naughty girls!
anyway, I don't somehow think that a man came up with that term...
FOrgot to add...
"shrinky dink" goes on parchment paper on cookie sheet and then into oven for baking... watch until that poor little piece of plastic is done contorting and 'shrinking'
I'm sure pumpkin face was a gift...
and visit again, as I can't stop making wallets... and I can't throw plastic away... so I have many ..
(lol - my son thinks he is a great archer hunter - he sewed long one dimensional pink flannel gloves -and boot socks from my sweater... are you getting a visual??I tried to get him to use fused plastic - but he didn't think it would be comfortable!)
happy spring weekend.
verification "maysism" love that word!
What kind of pens?
Thanks for sharing about the #6 plastics--I had no idea! Only used the bought shrinky dink plastic for the kids--not any more!
Here's a link to a tutorial for fusing plastic in case any of your readers want to try it:
thanks BB, I adjusted the post.
Jennie- I remember Bb using fine tipped markers.
So excited to try this in my for a search of the recycle bin for #6 plastic...
you could always dumpster dive...
wedding dresses to #6 plastics!
k. i love shinky dink. my neighbor introduced me to it via "dollarama". i bought several packages because i was SURE shiloh would adore them too. she did like them though not as passionately as her mama. or maybe i didn't give her a chance to fall in love with them because I DID THEM ALL AND DIDN:T GIVE HER A CHANCE TO HELP.
like i said -- love them.
Come on, let's be honest here....
Joyce, you never snickered after writing it in your blog the other day??? Really??!!!
All this talk of shr... (you know) and I think I have to start sorting my recycling to try this out!!! Curiosity killed the cat.
Gc.... now you should know that I am WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY above all that. Way. My maturity level is surpassed by few. My relationship to Rosa and you is strictly ministerial. I can say SHRINKY DINK without blushing at all.
(reminds me... I need a good shrink...)
BB- Arianna tells me that SHE made the butterfly one that I credited you for. I still credit you, because it all happened at your house with your SHRINKY DINK supplies and all.
lol @ bag tag.
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