A tweedy of a bag; the "dachshund" is sure to be instrumental in your meeting of the perfect handsome stranger while adventuring at the local park.
Soft, chocolatey brown body makes you want to rub her belly.
Sensible leash length; sturdy and attractive. Makes you look powerful. Grrrrrrr............
Okay, I'll be reasonable for a moment. This is a great bag if you love all the hues that brown can conjure up.
Buttons- Need I say more?
Funk-o-rific cell phone pocket.

........sometimes its hard to tell where the couch ends and the bags begin..........
Wave your little numbers, folks.
Wave your little numbers, folks.
And once again, the game wraps up at 6:00 pm central standard time.
Please leave your mark, with a name-type-thing, and a number.
I'll start the bidding at $40
How could you do this to me? I'm trying to control myself but I have a dachshund, he's my son. I must continue the bidding. $50 I'm sure I'll have to be back later in the day....
zewom@mts.net :)
Joyce, can I get some after market buttons on my bag? I'm loving these.
Joyce, I just wanted to wave in and say how much I love the bag I bought...velvet kisses, and how much fun this blog auction is...and it is astonishing how much good everyone is doing while still having fun!
Fantastic all around.
This dose is giving me heart palpitations all on it's own. Fabulous bag.
I will pay $55, it looks delicious
oh Joyce, I SO want to bid on this bag just for the name (I love my lil mini dachsund), but alas, the bidding is already more than i could justify for a FOURTH darfur bag.
Crystal, I love you for being tempted, and for sharing that with me!
Oreneta, velvet kisses seems like a drillion years ago. Good years, all of them.
and Jennie- I think you mean that you really like this bag? Either that or you are drinking too much dark roast to spur on your own bag project! (heart palpatations)
All- Is THANK YOU seeming redundant yet? The english language is too modest. We need more expressive words for what this feeling feels like.
Thank you for being what is right in the world. (thank you zewom for that word picture. I like it.)
$60 it's so me!!! :)
I'm not sure if you got the e-amil I sent you yesterday. If not, please contact me at: shaunaklem@hotmail.com
"really like" ... is that all my note conveyed? It's magnificent, unparalleled, ... in addition to heart palpitations, my breath is becoming laboured. Thankfully I don't need to be able to breathe (much) to type...
And what is with that Crystal lady who already has FOUR of your bags ... which ones? I want to picture them all lined up together in a closet.
... I'm starting to scare myself.
I love your idea, it's totally inspired me and my boyfriend! A girl was in my store the other day with one of your bags...it was fantastic!
I'll go ahead and bid $70
I'll bid $71
Love it !!!
How about $81.oo
Judy A.
You guys are killing me.... The people pleaser in me wants to cough up three bags right now-- one for each of you. But blogger clocks Melodie at exactly 6:00 for $82.00
Congratulations! e-mail me at re-joyce@mts.net and we'll talk turkey.... No, dachshund.
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