Tanzania is where the lovely brown and green fabric of the shoulder strap came from. A generous supporter donated the fabric to the project.

It goes perfectly with a handstitched green quilt, the last scrap of brown piecework, and some other brown and green bits and baubles.

This close-up shows the lovely detailing that got laboriously stitched into the green quilt. Not by me. Nope, I was at soccer that day.

I can promise you.... With this bag over your shoulder, you'd swear you were actually IN Tanzania. (But I'll never put that in writing...)

This bag could come in super handy if you are ever at a formal function and the bottom of your shirt sleeve falls off.

Or the top of your fancy dinner shirt. Simply remove said items from the interior of the Darfur bag, attach to garment in appropriate places, and Voila! Problems solved.
In the meanwhile, they function perfectly as pockets for your goodies.
Who will start off the week with a bid?
Give me your name, your number, and a brief message.... oh no. Never mind. In my fatigue, I thought I was on the answering machine...
The bids will end at 6:00 pm Monday evening, June 16, 2008, Central Standard time.
I bid $45 for this nifty bag!
So completely beautiful.
I bid $46.
i bid $50 :)
I bid $51
I bid $55.00
This bag is hot Joyce!
I would like to raise my paddle...and bid $56.
It's a beauty.
Joanne K.
Really pretty...
she is absolutely stunning, i wish she were mine but it was not meant to be
Joanne K.
ooo boy we got ourselves a bidding war here!
(go Joanne go!!)
Come on ladies...papa needs a new cordless drill...er, I mean, Africa is still hungry....yeah, that's it...
Brian, I'll slip you one of my husband's drills if you'll snatch the bag for me!
Joyce, just one teeny suggestion. Could that 'button' or 'pin' in the map label be moved to Africa since that's where Tanzania is?
Jane (former geography teacher)
Oh, Joanne...
I really, realy like it. But, I need to get my daughter one too. Will you love it? Will you let me get the next one?
Hmmm, forget that! I was in Africa 8 weeks ago, I know they need the money more than we do...
Jane- makes me think of my husband who enjoys talking grammer.... (he's a teacher too!)
The label is actually a test. MAybe the bidder who gets the right continent should win?!
Grammar was my chief subject! Giggle!
My guess was first!
Approximately what are the dimensions of these bags?
front and rear panels are 13" by
14". The side panels are 4.5" wide. They are big enough for a school binder. (or two) Or a laptop. You get the idea.
$150. My Wife loves it.
So does mine!
but i love my wife more :)
Kent, tonight is your LUCKY night!!!!!!!
e-mail me so we can talk turkey.
Ah yes, but you are clocked in at 6:01 p.m.!
You are so sweet, and I have a feeling you might get lucky too... but not on the Tanzania bag. Come back tomorrow!
Sorry A.J. but one thing I've learned from my wife over the years is to always be on time!
Good luck next time!
I'll email you tonight Joyce.
tomorrows auction should end @ 6:01 instead for all the A.J.'s out there :)
i just have to say that my children and I are jumping up and down screaming (they don't know why THEY are) because my husband surprised me with the purchase of this bag....
I must say though, this whole auction-thing is NOT for the faint of heart!!
You rock joyce.
I think I'm having the same problem as AJ with time.
I think we need to be sure that our computers are all saying the same hour exactly.
Do we?
Sign me 'comfused'?
I'm okay... just on slo mo dial up! Sigh!
I think computers, just like cell phones, are all automatically tuned to a central world time...unless we change them ourselves, they should all stay tuned to that "all knowing" absolute truth. Mwuh ha ha...
Congratulations Joyce (and Darfur) on another successful day! I have to admit I kept popping in to check the bidding but I have to bag budget accordingly as I have a slight bag addiction problem....
i guess this was a close one...
we do hope "AJ and company" win a round in the near future!
thanks for playing....
c & k
she is worth every penny
i have to say -- this bid game is one of the highlights to my day. i am not ashamed to admidt that.
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