chrysalis: A stage of development in the life.....
I just stopped reading there.
stage of development: (part of an ever changing landscape. One stage which is just that- a place to stop and learn until you get to the next place to stop and learn. Not a race. Not an arrival. A stage in a series of stages.)
development: DEVELOPMENT!! Yay!! We will not forever be stuck. We are not sentenced. What we now know is not all that we will ever know. Nope, the chrysalis says that there are stages of de-vel-op-ment!
in (the) life.....(ahhhh, life. Confused, beautiful, surprising, unknown, poingnant. )
Imagine all the poppycock I could sell you with that intro!
rules of engagement: Donation amounts can come in up to and including 6 pm blogger time. Family fights are
.........All for a good cause. :)
Was this supposed to be Wednesday?? I'm so lost. I bid $40.
I bid $50......I love it!
No, it is thursday's bag. It got posted on Wednesday night and wouldn't cooperate when I told it to "re post" on thurs morning. Thanks for the numeros, ladies!
I love this bag! $55
LET's think this through.... CHRyS-Alis
Hmmm.... makes a girl think....
A chartreuse “chrysalis”. Love it! And would love to own a Darfur bag… $67
A chartreuse “chrysalis”. Love it! And would love to own a Darfur bag… $76
Brian here for Joyce.
Looks like Crystal's got herself a bag.
Joyce will get in touch with you later this evening.
My email is
i have treats for you my love, mysterious fragrant treats from the west...
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