It's not really a chubby chrysanthemum. It's just that "chubby" comes right after "chrysanthemum" in the children's illustrated dictionary, and it's just sorta got a ring!
Yup- those are the edges of pillow cases that you're going to put your all important lipstick and grocery store flyers into.
I really want this one!!!
oh, sorry $35.00
I realize that the "bag a day" doesn't mean I have to buy a bag a day, having made my first re-Joyce purchase, but I adore chrysanthemums, the chubbier the better. So. I'm in.
Joyce my girls check this sight every day and are both in awe at what they are going for and almost jealously upset. comments are halarious. Ill share at camp.
trying to get my first! Okay so this was the first one I'm actually going to bid on (loved Sweet Cherry, btw!)
Really cute bag!
At the risk of starting a sibling rivalry....$100
Sorry dkehler!
gorgous but holy cow people! way out of my bag budget now! at this rate I suspect I won't own one lol
Joyce - I have some fabric for you and will probably be in Wpg in Oct if you haven't collapsed from all the bag-making by then :-)
Hilarious!! Just what I was thinking... I can't afford these bags... Hey! Wait a minute! If I had some time, I could just make myself one!
oh, and... G and D...
Fight? I'm thinking time-share bag. What do you say, dk?
Clever Grace ... Time share would work for me, too! Chubby Chrysanthemum is definitely a WINNER! Thanks Joyce. Penny :-)
Getting a bit rich - even on a time share. Thanks for the offer Grace
PS. Beautiful work Joyce. I'm sure that this exercise is not meant to inspire covetousness, but I'm getting a bad case of it :)
Assuming my bid of $125 at 1010am was registered.
You ladies sound like a lot of fun...I do not think I could do time-share especially with this beauty...not very good at share-zees!
Ha! Ha! :)
I'm pretty sure I should be consulting with my financial advisor before I do this, but here goes anyway.
$130 for the chubbie 'mums. This is a truly beautiful bag, Joyce.
(will share with sis dkehler if lucky)
This is your best work yet that I have been priviledged enough to see..
I now bidf $150.00
I still hold at a bid of $150.00!
Beautiful work once again Joyce!
Ding, ding, ding...and carlag gets another one. Thanks, everyone for your support.
More awesomeness tomorrow morning. Bring your friends.
Thank you so much Joyce! What an honor!
You are a very talented lady!
Will follow same arrangements, cannot wait to have Chubby Chrysanthemum in my hands!
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