But I can't be greedy about philanthropy, now can I?

This is especially true after spending the weekend with my bird loving friend on her incredible country property complete with a lush meadow and many bird sounds. (she knows the names of them. Me? Not so much)
The pockets are my fave- camo. I added a tie-up feature this time, just to give it some closure.

The birds originally decorated a kitchen dish towel. I claimed the towel at the thrift shop, and I'm quite confident that this will be its debut in usefulness. I think it has always been spared the pedestrian lifestyle of plate wiping.
See that shoulder strap? Yup, it says "Blue Ribbon Tea"; and it is a tea towel as well. It is dressed up with some of that good old blue chenille. mmmmmmmm....

The edging is pieced blue and red, actually a small boy's shirt that I could not leave at the thrift shop. I don't have a small boy any more, but I saw that shirt a few times over at the local thrift 'n gift and finally accepted that it belonged with me; one way or another. I incorporated the buttons on one of the cell phone pockets so that it actually buttons closed.
That red fringe really brings out the card of that cardinal. And the belly on that robin.
It's just a really great bag.
As usual, this auction will conclude at 6 pm on August 1, 2008.
I'm sure you won't all be away. Actually, I will be away from the computer at that time, so be civil. My daughter is finished camp tomorrow evening, and the original plan was for her to take a three hour trip home on the greyhound, but in light of recent events, her dad and I will be taking the trek ourselves to go pick her up. Somehow, time and money just don't matter all that much when I think of seeing my precious daughter intact, happy, and healthy.
So, again.... The auction will conclude at 6 pm, blogger time. If I don't respond at that time, just use your noggin to see whose name shows up at or before 6; with the highest numerical value, and then be patient. I will return.
Wow - No bids on this red & blue beauty! I'll start at $30!
I work the weekend so I'll be here today. Simultaneous bidding makes me need to repost with a higher bid. $35.
Very cute...the cardinal reminds me of my favorite grandpa who sadly passed away 5 years ago. He was a baseball nut and the team he coached, was called the Cardinals.
Coincidence I think not...
P.S Have a super long weekend Joyce! You deserve it!
$45 for the tea towel magnificence
Unfortunately I am going out of town sooner than expected so I cannot keep an eye on today's bidding so, Ariel, so far it is yours at $45!
Good Luck!
See you guys Tuesday!
CarlaG :)
wonder why carlag seems to find it necessary to be the running commentary on this blog. pretty sure we can handle figuring the bidding out on our own
That was uncalled for.....
Thanks so much Anonymous #2 who posted at 231pm.Thank you for sticking up for me..in no way was I trying to direct the site.
Yes I have been fortunate enough to be the winning bidder on three bags but gave the first two away as gifts and kept the last as a little something for myself.
As an aside, Joyce I am so sorry if you feel in any way I was overstepping my bounds, it is just so joyful for me to be part of this cause and to be able to donate money to a worthy cause headed by you.
CarlaG :)
And I will see the other LADIES here next week after the holiday...it is so special to be able to donate to people who are less fortunate than we are!
CarlaG :)
hello, all. Just checking in before I head off to get my kid from camp.
People annoy people. It is just a fact of life when we share space. I would have to agree though, that consideration is important and keeping snippies out of the comments is the higher road.
Not that I am above irritation. I will not get involved in this current clash, but suffice to say that I wish the world would get along better. Myself included. I hate it when I let people under my skin, and I always wish I wouldn't.
Well - let's try $50
I'm in for $51!
okee, dokee Sheila. Thanks for the donation. There's a flock of birdies headed your way.
Hey Joyce, when and where can we meet to get the goods? I might be heading out your way to visit my grandma sometime this coming week, would that work?
perfect Sheila. I should be home this week, beginning Monday evening.
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