Dancer is a gorgeous bag. Rich reds, browns, with bits of green, blue, black, and yellow; thanks largely to the tea towel I rescued from the thrift shop and reincarnated into a messenger bag. Her body is made of durable Mr Sample Guy fabrics; and her strap is reddish-brown on one side, and olive green on the other; thanks to a re-purposed table cloth.
If you are a dancer, go use your skills. Growing up Mennonite in the 60's and 70's meant distancing oneself fearfully from anything rhythmic that might get one's knees a-jigglin' or head a'boppin'. All that natural, God-given dance-ability got repressed right out of me at an early age. Shame.
One's head really ought to be intimately attached to one's body. No shame in that.
So, if you can dance, don't give up the skill. Or, if you were not born with three left feet as I was, go take some lessons or something.
(The interior pockets are formed from a pair of pants compliments of the generous owner of the Ceramics bag.)
Or, simply buy this bag and call yourself a dancer.
Bids are welcome until 8 pm, cst. Comments are always welcome.
My youngest daughter thought she should have this bag for her dancing lessons. Besides she says to me. It goes to children who really need the money. Oh the guilt. So I bid $45.
Oooh let me be the first post this morning.. and it is a fine day.Good for putting the last sky lite in ones new house. I love the bag! It's a happy one and I think there is a little dance in all of us. I just found out 2 ladies from my fair city with be receiving bags. Can't wait to see them. I bit $45.00
Hey there Roberta. How did you get in there before me? I had the same thought and now I have to bid $50.00.
I guess we were both typing at the same time. I was just a wee bit faster. hehehe.
I've got some Mennonite blood coursing through my veins too, never thought to use it as an excuse for my lack of moves on the floor. You may not be able to dance Joyce, but you sure can sew.
My theme in life, Dance! $50.00
Oops! I see more bids! $55
my sister would love this bag... she's a dancer!
I bid $60
love it Joyce she's a keeper.
dat be one fine bag joyce.
love it.
Sweet bag Joyce, I like it! ALOT!Oh to dance freely uninhibited... ON Saturday at the Imagine run my little girlie was dancing on the grass with the band playing, what freedom, what sweetness, though she had a few moments of selfconsciousness before she stepped out there, which made my heart twist ( self consciousness begins too early ) BUt I hope to keep her dancing freely as long as I can even if it is just with me in our living room praisin Jesus with the music blasting
Truly beautiful again, Joyce. And great to see you on the weekend and to be at your church.
Your Schwester, Mary
hey joyce, another fun bag! I would like to drop off some money to you as well as a box of buttons. I'm driving out your way later afternoon on Saturday. Any chance you'll be around?
Please email me details if this works. Thanks.
so i am new at this; not exactly virginal but very much blushing
to dance without reserve is a true blessing
My sister Mardelle is a kindergarten teacher and is so fabulous in her creativity and passion for kids I think she needs this bag
I am bidding 65.00 with a bullet
can you say what the last bid is plus $5 or is that true virgin talk
yikes what if someone bid 1000
I love her but really....
Hey anonymous, Joyce is gone for the next few hours and so I'll just say what I think she'd say (being her husband and all I think I know her just a little)...she'd say I think the best idea is to just watch the bids till 8:00 and bid as high as you're comfortable 'cause Gloria is likely just to say $20,000 knowing that you're just rumper her with +$5 anyways...
I meant to say "trump" her...rumper (sheesh)...where the hell did that come from?
Sorry Brian but I have to say that your advice to watch the bids till 8:00 would be wrong, cause if she watches till 8:00 then she will lose out on the bag. Seeing as bidding ends at 8:00. Not to get technical or anything though. So that being said I bid $66.
Oh yeah?...smarty pants.
Well I didn't want a newbie to be misled by somebody who knows Joyce so well.
Roberta many bags do you own. I'm noticing that you are a regular on the bidding platform. I am a newbie and come to the site often and you are always there. I think most of you get up and have coffee together. Is the whole town in on this bag
ok so I raise your rump or trump your rump with $70
i think i should clarify that is for joyce not the husband at the post
seriously when lory lead me to your site last week I was blown away by the idea and the love in action that you have built
if i am not the last voice for this bag i'llbe back...and i have 4 sisters and 3 friends that would be potential bag ladies
Sorry tk but I only have one bag. But it did take me many tries to get it. Oh yes and as for coffee, I have never had any with Joyce. but that sounds like a good idea.
I bid $72. Love this bag!
I bid $86.00
anonymous- reveal your identity at
Well! Look what I missed while scoring treasures at the thrift shop! I'm lucky to have Brian and Roberta looking out for me; even when they get all anal and technical on each other :)
A few things to say... Now that I'm back in the house. First of all, do you know that we did have a thousand dollar bid a few months back? AND he came through.
tk, although it may seem difficult to believe, many of us do not know each other in the slightest. Some of us are getting to know each other, right here on the blog.
And the ones I have coffee with? don't really comment. Except Gloria, she does.
Hey Joyce, it's me again, your favorite sister in law. Just bring this bag and the others with you to the Thanksgiving gathering. Hopefully another one catches my eye before then as I need another one for a Christmas gift. Thanks, Janice
I'm sitting here trying to pen a clever comment about the trumped rump, but everything I type sounds really racey or just plain wrong....
(not that i would MIND a little rumping, if you know what i mean...)
p.s. did you score anything spectacular?
a few more things- rump trumper: thank you for your great comment and encouragement. I've read it a few times now, just to keep the endorphins moving.
And Janice- wow. Thanks so much.
The door is getting heavy with bags!
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