If you've been coming around here for a while; you may remember Ken's Vest. Well, here's the backside of the same vest. I've been saving it in a ziploc bag for these days of memorium in September.
My brother was definitely about people. He charmed people constantly, opened up his home for dinner parties, held backyard fires for his neighborhood, and lived his life for community.
Last week when I was out walking the kids and the dog, I came home on two separate occasions to find gifts from someone in the community. A bag of neckties hung on the doorknob. A skirt with a re-usable border. It thrilled me deeply to be part of a people group like I am priveleged enough to be.
This bag could symbolize people in community easily. We've got neckties donated by.... ? Maybe someone will tell me in the comments today. They rest on a vest that I bought because it reminded me of Ken. It looked lousey on me, and will look better on you. The body is made up of Mr Aristocratic Upholstery Guy's samples. The necktie straps came from St Adolphe thrift shop- they let me empty out an entire box of neckties once on bag sale day-- they are very generous that way. Buckles? Half price day at our local thrift 'n' gift when they were moving from old buidling to new. I got a killer deal on those. The inside pockets are made up of an outgrown shirt, and Loretta's pants. Loretta is a supporter whom I have yet to meet. She sent me a huge, delicious box of vintage clothing that have been a thrill both for my daughters to dress up in, and for me to repurpose. (fashion show to come, eventually)
Ken looked particularly handsome in vests. He pulled it off stunningly.
I have a feeling that you can too!
Bids taken here until 8 pm, cst
And you thought I was making up that whole "vest" thing.
I'm sure Ken would be very proud of you! Wonderful bag, especially those pockets, great photos as well. Way to go, brat, L.
You're a great sister, Joyce. The neckties were a gift for you from my sweet mom:)
OK, I'm in at $50. Beautiful bag, for a beautiful man (ken, that is) Melissa
Great bag. Great tribute this week. The greatest travesty is if we forget.
very lovely, also, your writing is part of my day...
i bid 55
wonderful story adn bag, $60.00
Ok so this is such a great week to get a bag. It just seems so much sweeter than normal due to all the love added into these bags. I know that this is an amazing cause and that in itself makes me really want to get my first bag.
Every day that I try, but I have to go out in the evening. But this evening I am staying home. Or at least I will try really hard. So could you people please stop trying to get Christmas presents (unless they are for me) and let me get my first bag.
I hope that is enough of a sob story for all you soft hearts out there. Hehehe.
Oh ya I bid $62.00
I'm so glad you included the pictures of Ken all vested up... he looks handsome and interesting all rolled into one.
mmmmmmmmm some great pics of Ken!! There's a few that have me wondering if it's actually Wally? Beautiful bag, Joyce. Your Schwester, mary
Oh Joyce, this bag is truly my favorite. If I weren't broke, I'd definitely be bidding on this one. That and I'm hoping Roberta snags her bag today.
Thanks Crystal. I hope everybody else goes along with you.
Ok Roberta! I will let this one go too! I have also been watching for weeks in hopes of purchasing one of these gems myself! I will try again tomorrow! Love these bags!
boo hoo. Is is Roberta from the 'ville?
Becky, thanks for the top secret disclosure, and tell your mom "thanks" a lotta.
Shar- thanks for the encouragement.
Well, sob away, folks. I can miss my soaps this afternoon, I guess?
Yes Joyce, Roberta is from the 'ville.
Sorry Roberta, I too do not have a bag and will have to up the bid to $70. If you are the Roberta I am thinking of maybe I will let you touch the bag. Maybe:) Melissa
You go, Melissa. You go!
Papa needs some new power tools...er...I mean...starving people need food, yeah, thatès it.
(yeah I know I used that one before, but it sounded funny in my head again).
Oh well if you are the Melissa that I am thinking of then I think you should be nice to me. Simply because I want you to. I will raise your $70 to $75.
I'm thinking that I may know the way this thing is gonna go down. Melissa buys the bag and gives it to Roberta for Christmas? Or if Roberta is really nice, she buys the bag and gives it to Melissa. Or if they are both genuinely nice, they will go in together, and buy the bag for Shauna K!
Such community.
Actually, that was me.
$80 for me. If the bidding goes on long enough maybe we can work out joint custody. Melissa
Well I bid $85 in honour of all the lovely women who didn't bid against me!! Also I don't think I know who Shauna K is. Also if this is the right Melissa, I think she should let me have it cause she doesn't live in town and doesn't have to live with the shame of never having purchased a darfur bag yet.
Wrong Melissa, I live in town and possibly go to the same church. I live with the shame of not owning a Re-joyce bag so...$90. Melissa
Oh man. Now I know which Melissa. In all fairness this bag would look spectaular with you. So I shall help you get over your shame and leave the bag in your lovely hands. Hopefully nobody else starts bidding now. I certainly hope that if you get it you will at least bring it to church to let me just touch it once.
Don't stop bidding on my account. I am feeling the guilt coming on. Only have some bidding fun. Hint: we are very close to my limit. Melissa
Haha very funny Melissa. But I have a better one for you. My mennonite husband came home and cut me off. So my limit is now over anyways. Don't worry I will try again. Hopefully on an evening when he is not coming home. hehehe. Oh yes and don't even feel guilty cause I would never hold it against you. But don't expect me not to bug you.
hey, thanks for all the support, Melissa and Roberta (and all). Looks like Mennonite guilt and sensibilities won out and Melissa gets to look good in a vest and a couple of neckties!
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