My friend Svea has a bag similar to this one. And after doing a massive name smear on the poor gal; I figure its only right to post a bag with respect to our darling resident, Svea.
She actually has the blue eyes and rosey cheeks to perfectly match these tones. And I'm not making that up.
Kind of goes nicely with that rocker; doncha think?
*rocker not included with purchase. purchase necessary. Skill testing question. Firstborn. Lastborn. And your little dog too.*
There is something delicious about that deep red in combination with the smokey, tealey (sp?) blue.
I'd like to have seen Loretta in those tight, white, polyester, flare pants back in the glory days.
But now they have become pockets, and you can stuff them with your lipstick and loose change.
Throw some of that loose change this way, would ya?
Bids please, until 8 pm, cst. Yesterday there was a comment about closin' time and some speculation on whether it was a good choice for y'all? (I live on the prairies. I think its actually criminal for us to say "y'all") Give me your opinion on closing time. I'll still be the domineering boss, but I'll pause to listen to the great unwashed. I thought 8 pm was good because of the thouand and one time zones across this great continent of ours; but I'm usually wrong about 1800 times a day, so I'd be happy to feel something new to feel bad about.
rah, rah. Vote for Pedro. Or buy a caramel apple.
Good morning!! Nice bag Joyce, but after last nights bidding, I'm exhausted. This is all yours Anna. I actually have to work today. this site addicting or what. Is there an AA' meeting for bolg addicted people? Have a great day.
HI Joyce! This bag would add to a nice vignette ... but I'm waiting for greens...
sorry to throw in the time question. If your not in the game your mind wanders. (I am often not in the game!) Just a throw back to statistics course, that I noticed the patterns. Given the flury of activity at 8, I would say your time is bang on. I just like the patterns of activity... Clusters that imply familiar life patterns.. or something.
(as I head off until after school)
even then I may not make it back. Have an exciting appt with Dr. Tom that makes house calls. !! (small engine repair Dr. that is - last count 7 ailing engines)
Boler Babe
Oh man. I really wanted the bag that Svea got. Now I really want this one even more. But I am out as well due to a little family vacation. Maybe Anna will finally get a bag. Here's to you Anna, hope you get it.
sneaky.... This site is very addicting. It's like a new piece of candy every day that you just have to see.
Ok, so I think I may be addicted??? Problem is I love handbags/purses/bags in general! And thus this site is my #1 visited site each day! Here is to another great bag! Last night was exhausting, but I feel rejuvenated today! I will start the day at $45. Cheers!
(as per my request last night, the bidding is now over!!!)
Hah! I laugh in your general direction, Anna. Let's make that 46.00. Good luck, by the way.
awww, you guys are sticky sweet. (do you want cash, or credit?!)
Actually, I wish someone would pay ME in a blender full of marguerita or something. These kids are driving me crazy and blithery blathery out of my mind.
You guys are exhausted? That's adorable.
Like sneaky over there, I have to work today.... and every time I turn around someone is eating a purple crayon or throwing water at one another. And its not July.
Glad to hear that you think 8 pm is a good time.
A DOCTOR for small engines? Geez. They take engines more seriously than humans, I'm thinking. maybe you should hand over the boler- take one liability off your hands.
Roberta- who says you are allowed vacations? I must have misplaced my invitation.....
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Candy. Maybe that's how I'll get through the day. Eat candy. Sneaky like.
Yay! Anna! Is the winner........
yet, anyway.
Laura- my laura? You're freaking brilliant yourself- you make yourself a bag, you crazy nutbar.
Couple things:
That's gotta be my kid eating the crayons - hello mineral deficiency or something?
And I NEED that red chair that the bag is displayed on. Any chance that is tomorrow's item? ;)
Liability? LIability?!! THE BOLER happens to be one of my few true assets...
it is part of my 'vision board' (google that!)
vintage triple EEE hauling vintage boler, driven by vintage deranged mama.. a cig hanging from her lip and a flask of amaretto in a one of a kind bag.
it is good to dream.
I have to say Anna. Last night my 10 year daughter was yelling at me to hurry, hurry, hurrrrry mom!!! It gave her such a thrill. She's said "no wonder you like that site mom. It's so exciting!!" So thanks for that. Now I have to teach her that we can't do that eveynight or we'll be broke.
I'm in love with the RED and all the delicious BUTTONS on this one are truly thee most creative (and good looking) "bag lady" on this blessed earth. I lift my cup of starbucks coffee (already cold) to you to cheer you on!!
Dear Sneaky,
Glad I could help entertain at your house! I too will go poor if I keep this up! I just keep telling myself it is for a good cause & I really need a new handbag! :)
Oh ya $47!
Lory, shouldn't that be:
vintage triple freakin' EEE hauling boler?!
Mel- yup... he should have taken care of some of that purple crayon deficiency by now, I'm thinking.
hey sneaky- Look at your very first entry. What's a B-O-L-G addict?
Speaking of addict-- Starbucks, you say? Yum, yum.
Hey,maybe at the last minute I'll take the apple bag off the market- after all, it looks really good on that rocking chair...
I would love to bid on this lovely bag, but my BA (bloggers anonymous) sponsor would disapprove. Yes, I'm still visiting the site, but at least I'm admitting I have a problem. Hang in there Svea, you are certainly not alone.
$48. AND a blender full of margaritas... Yes this is Schwester Mary. That red would look great with my orange glasses.
svea is a darling.
and so is this baggette.
Mary, think about it. Joyce uses USED materials. Other people have touched them. You don't REALLY want that, do you? Go to Wahlmart or Old Navy and buy yourself a new bag.
Note to Joyce. I have a Margarita jug and 4 glasses. You'd like to drink in style, not out any old jug that Mary has, right?
49 it is.
You might have orange glasses, Mary (sounds lovely), but I have orange Birkenstocks. Besides, you already look good enough.
been without internet for the last couple weeks and missed out on a lot of great bags!
Love this one, though...
wow! I'm glad you didn't have internet while I was trying to get a bag. did you see that? The bid was at $49.00 and then poof now it's at $75.00. No mercy!!
hello, Shauna! Thought we'd offended you or something.... :)
Way to silence those masses!!
Besides, sisters- who says that apple red GOES with orange anyway?
We just know, Joyce. We're older than you.
Oh well, I guess I'll have to be ok with my orange crocs -- and they're not from Wal-Mart, NOR from a thrift shop. Laura, you're older but you're getting a little MOUTHY! Shame on you! And Joyce, I think orange and red go very well together -- especially on ME. Schwester Mary
Does shauna have you all scared!! heheheh! Are we going to have another show down!!?? I may just have to come back for the last 10 minutes. We all need 10 really exciting minutes in our day, don't you think???....and then we can wind down with a nice latte...Hmmmmm
crap this new ability to tell time by the pounding of my heart mixed with greed ,suspense and contributing to a great cause has all those nasty little transfats clinging to my arteries to blast off into cyberspace yet another benefit of this blog
can you believe my prof had concerns about the length of my sentences-- just like a guy fixed on the inches!
lory do you have a boler a real boler!!that so reminds me of a story
please.... the etsy site is wonderful
Yes I am going to bid just not yet! fr ffancy
i bid 80 fancy
fancy, i adore your sentences! i had to read it out loud, and after all the mangey preschoolers were gone, and then i really and truly did lol. And that's not an achronym that I throw out lightly.
Looks like you are $80 closer to supporting a great cause, and will have the apples to show for it!
10 min late again.. *sigh*
I will figure out this time difference yet!
Oh JOyce, you make me smile and I LOOOOVVVEEEEEE this bag and I know it will be happy with its new owner, just as its cousin ( my rosy apple bag) is resting on my dining room chair waiting for another outing tommorow. Sorry I missed all the fun chatter today, you can read about my crazy withdrawls....Oh the addiction is bad, considering it is almsot midnight and I should be sleeping like everyone else in my household, but here I am drooling overyour bags again.
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