Hooray! We have a bag. Must mean that someone needed a break from.... the other nasty stuff she was doing.
Full of wonderfulness it is. The fringey bit on the bottom is from one of those weird decorative blanket horrers that we hung on our rec room walls in the 70's. There are two types of chennille blanket, an apron, some fabric from lettuce, a necktie, and a buckle from my "Morris connection".
And my clean headed daughter is a sight too; is she not?!

That brown section is from Morris as well. The woman has a talent, and I do appreciate it. (a volunteer who has "back stage passes", which means she has access to the donations as they come in. She sets aside some upholstery pieces, zippers, buckles and buttons for the project. What a gift)
That brown section is from Morris as well. The woman has a talent, and I do appreciate it. (a volunteer who has "back stage passes", which means she has access to the donations as they come in. She sets aside some upholstery pieces, zippers, buckles and buttons for the project. What a gift)
Oh Girl, You sure no how to take a break. 45$
please check your emails
I sent a cc of something I sent... on your behalf.
then of course check out the 'subject' of email.
Boler Babe
What a hot little bag model you have. :)
Lory your not allowed to talk in code especially when I'm listening. Love love love the front pannel. Does everone know its Joyces Birthday tomorrow????? I bid $50
ooooh! blue is a fave. $55.
Joyce does that mean you won't be in your 20s anymore deary?
I watch these bags and drool with envy, but can never afford them. I'll bid $55.
My sister would love this bag, and would so appreciate the help for Darfur. . .
Please, everyone else, just close your eyes today. :)
Rats! okay $57!
oh, its good to be back. I think I have between ten and fifteen YARD bags full of clean laundry.
And the kids heads are clean. And my head is clean. And I'm not divorced. And I didn't give any offspring away to more loving homes.
Yes, indeedy. tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 41. I'm ticked because I have had NO TIME to plan something fun for myself.
Kelli- welcome. I totally relate to your unaffordability factor. I feel the same way! Its a pickle, isn't it, when the cause it worth it... but one is limited by having chosen to marry for love instead of money?!
Was going to bid, but seeing the 2nd last post, I will take a rest for today, as I already have a bag, and christmas is still a little ways off!
But tomorrow....look out!!!!
i knew it was her birthday, uh huh i did :), she's in my daytimer
I'll go $60...
I'll keep watching.
Thanks everyone for your sweet thoughts!
okay, wm
e-mail me at
Hey- I just stumbled on this site and I think you are doing a really great thing here! Your bags are beautiful!! Happy Birthday
See Joyce
Stumbling is a VERY good thing...
someone new named 'gophercheeks'
happy birthday as well!
I'll eat cake and candy in your honor.
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