But not before you buy a bag that's called "Umbrella Tree" without actually looking like an umbrella tree. It's called marketing.
I asked my daughter to take some photos last night. When I loaded them this morning, I saw a lot of photos of cats and a dog sniffing at a tree that doesn't exactly look like an umbrella tree. And one that included her mismatched socks. When we were kids, socks were a major source of information on whether your family sucked or not. We would never have dreamt of intentionally wearing socks that don't go together. Now that I'm the mom; I tend to buy the kids WAY too many socks to compensate for the embarrassing condition of my sock drawer when I was the kid. And guess what? They don't care. They mix them up on purpose.
This bag was a little difficult for me to put on the blog, actually. Because I actually, really love it. The tree motif was not my original idea, just to be clear. it's an image that I stumbled upon with my stumbleupon button. I felt like I was in love. And I had to do it myself. It was a labour of love, and I enjoyed every moment of it- choosing the buttons, positioning the buttons..... Sewing the buttons on.

Most of the bag is constructed from Mr Fancy Sample Guy's upholstery samples. That means
that their fabric quality is rather high. The bag measures 13 x 11 inches. (I read the comment yesterday about liking the 11x 11" size, and I hear you. I promise there will be more...)
Okay, people. This is the final bag for this first week of March.
Thanks for everything that you do to keep this project vibrant and viable.
8 PM, cst as usual.
I love, love, love this bag. I'll open the bids at $25
I for one like the larger size (two kids and lunch requires some space!!!). $45
Me likey.
Long time reader, first time bidder.
love it joyce!
the tree is a beautiful touch...
OHHHHHHH...this may be my favourite one yet!!! better talk to my hubby:)
trees are my thing
you hit a nerve
I am not giving up yet. $65
It's beautiful.
First time bidding here - $70 (is that USD or CAD, by the way?)
Hey Joyce,
I think I'm crazy. I can't figure out how to buy a shirt at the Darfur site. Can you help? I did see someone WEARING a shirt in a photo with the header logo on it, and I hope that's the shirt I would get -- if I could just figure out where to go . . .
oh, I must say that I'm glad you people are not the disappointing type. I feel validated now for putting my beloved tree out there in the big bad internet to sell...
Perhaps I'll scuttle off now and put together another tree or two?
hmmm... maybe you Can't buy a shirt off the site? I bought mine at the Darfur documentary. I'll check it out..
I am copying a reply regarding the umbrella t-shirt sales:
"Our website developer is working on a page in which people could order online. In the meanwhile, people can contact us if they would like to place an order via email (winnipegwalk4darfur@hotmail.com). We will continue to work on setting up an online ordering system."
Hope that helps! It's a great t-shirt, worth the effort.
Do you know how really talented you are, I mean REALLY TALENTED!!
This is one of your finest.
I know I shouldn't, but...$75.
oooohhhh this bag is smokin' Joyce. I love it!!!
Oh no I told myself I would not buy another bag but then, Joyce you had to go and make this one. Oh It will be so difficult but I think I should just walk away now. hehehe.
p.s. If I didn't already say it. Joyce you are just fantastic.
I must re-clarify that the brilliance behind the tree belongs to someone from stumbleupon.
I'm glad you all concur that it is a fun, funky tree.
Hey Joyce,
Thanks for looking into the shirt thing for me. I really appreciate it. Didn't mean to run you all over the place for the info. Have a great night! And even though I'm too poor to bid on the purse, I liked the tree too. :)
Oh man, I just looked at the clock and realized I missed it! I hope you make another Umbrella Tree bag:)
More trees please!
Karen- although you "shouldn't".... YOU JUST DID!
contact me at re-joyce@mts.net to let me know where you are, and we'll arrange shipping. Thanks!
I wanted that elephant purse like something bad and now this tree purse! Spend my nights in hockey arenas....ug... and I'm dead against having a blackberry etc. What about two days for bids on each purse,to catch those that want to bid but didn't check in on time? Still the same amount of purses but 2 days on each for bids...may even bring up the bid prices cause I for one would of bid over the $75 just to get it.
Keep up the great work!
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