Very similar to last week's bag (Remembrance)
However, this one fastens closed twice: once on the under flap pocket, and once on the flap itself.

Here is the inside; View A.

Inside; view B.

The back. The green has a velveteen feel to it. Very pleasant to touch.

The bottom.
Auction concludes at 9:30 pm cst tonight, on November 17, 2009.
Bids begin at $25 Cdn.
I'll start the bidding $25
Wow! You got yourself a steal of a deal. You're gonna love it! I love me Remembrance day bag.
Mary- I changed the date on the top of the post to Tuesday, Nov 17. It said Mon, Nov 16 which is confusing, and makes you think the bag is already sold; when it is not.
November 17. Tuesday. Today.
Oh man. How could I resist. This bag is absoltuely amazing and I need a smaller one. Please don't think that I have a bag obsession, cause I don't, ok never mind I do.
Those are my colors and I want to be all matchy matchy with Schvester Mary. $40.00
OMG, I am an addict - was very distressed this morning when I did not see a bag - you got to work later than me today. Yes, I check your blog at work.
near the end of a difficult day... how lovely to come back and see some pleasant comments. Let me set a few things straight- tell it to you like I see it.
1) the term "bag obsession" has a very, very pleasant ring to me. Like, very pleasant. It is encouraging, gratifying, rewarding, plus it feeds some people. It's all good.
2) karla- Mary will hunt you down. Because you made her cry. You guys are like besties now, so you better bid on the bag, just to support her.
3)Janice- you have been high on my list of favourite things lately. Starting from the way you got here (I think it was Mariatu). Then the love of the quilt laptop size bag. Then the lovely comments. Then the honest confession. Hey- I check in at work too! SO? YA WANNA MAKE SUMPIN OF IT?!
So thank you for all taking a bit of the slump out of my lump(iness)
I always get here first thing in the morning and forget to come back later, but not today $50.
I am here, at 8:15 MST, and that means I am still in the bidding - I have not missed out this time. I just clicked over to your blog, Tanya, and I don't want to bid against you, if you really want your bag. I am one generation and one year removed from 'my grandmother is dying'. My mom was dying this time last year. OK, it is a good cause, and it is not personal, and I don't have one of SUPER-JOYCE's bags yet. $55.
I am crying, because my mom died and Tanya's mom's or dad's mom is dying, and Joyce is saying nice things about me. Joyce, I think I may have found your blog via the Funk family, with the Ethiopian adoption where the adoption agency went bankrupt, and then I saw Mariatu the same day you blogged about her. I click over from commments on blogs (like Tanya) and have found the same blog 2 different ways, before. (and I also have a real life, not just a cyber life).
So, Joyce, and any other mother of small children, you are my heros. I have a 16 year old and only had one, and lived through (and enjoyed) the younger years, and admire all you who are meeting that challenge in multiples.
Joyce, I have 3 sisters and a brother - and a sister who died as an infant, a small family, in our world. In all my mom's and dad's 7 siblings each, there was only 2 families smaller - one with only 4 kids and one with 4 that became 3 after one died. (Imagine those poor parents, losing a child). My sewing machine is a 1960 or so Singer. Older than me. I think mom got it just after her wedding - if you move out from your mothers house, you need your own sewing machine.
I might just win the bag this time, so I can get your address and send you some stuff - buttons, fabric . . . when I send the cheque.
Oh man. Janice I am going to let you win this bag if I can cause somebody was super nice to me when I got my first bag. I hope you love it tons. But Joyce can you please please make another bag soon in these colours and all cute and small like this one, so that I can get it.
That would be a 1950 or so sewing machine, and the answer to some questions you had another day. I don't have to make sense, do I?
Roberta, now I am still crying, because you were here on this cutthroat ebay like site (NOT) only bidding against one person and you let me have it. AWWWWWWWW. I am usually driving to soccer, or at soccer at this time. You are a darling. (like Joyce and Tanya, and . . . .)
oh my,
is that ... a ... gingerbread man sweater vest.
you are the rockin'est.
that is a very very yummy bag.
how is your laptap?
or are you limping along on B's?
sorry I didn't make the party - but I have been wearing some serious ugly all week - honors to you.
hope tomorrow brings a better day.
Ginny Bb
oh my,
I also want to send a cheer to Janice.
happy for you.
nice bag.
nice words.
Ginny Bb.
I think we should all hold hands now and sing "Kum Ba Ya".
I'm just being an idiot.
Life and death have a way of drawing "strangers" together. Lettuce (who I speak of, and who sends me bags of hers to sell , and who runs Made4aid)
and I acquainted when her mother and my brother were simultaneously dying of cancer. So I so feel with those cyber connections.
My own parents are in their 80's and in the mania of life, I feel time slipping steadily away.
I like that you said "this is not personal" because its not. Even when it is. I like when people tell their truths here, and no, its not "guilt" to keep some other bidder away. We're just a community like that.
I did get hung up on the 1960's singer when you said it was older than you... didn't measure up with what you said before. Which got me thinking maybe you were like a creepy internet stalker or something and you'd gotten your stories mixed up. ~not~
Is this a good time to say that I was actually going to post one of those quilt bags this morning, but then I went and deleted it by accident?!
Tanya- I'm impressed you came back and re-bid. Shouldn't you be in bed? you and I should both be going to bed. I think we get up way before the birdies...
Oh Janice. I know you will love that bag. But now I am crying cause I just read Tanya's blog about her Grandma. Now I am missing my Grandma so terribly. Who was an amazing woman. ALso how much I related to Tanya describing her Grandma and wanting to go home to be with her hubby. Same with mine. Oh wow more tears. We women sure do love to cry. I should have got the warning from you Janice. But no I just had to go over and see that blog and cry for myself. Yipes.
it's difficult to be dense. I first read that Janice said that Tanyna's MOM OR DAD were dying and I was really concerned. Only on the third pass did I get it that it was the grandparent of which I had previously read. sheesh. (sorry for all and any losses, in any case)
And this is very distressing to hear of a bankrupt adoption agency. This makes my heart bleed. I don't think there is anything helpful that I could say... but I wish there were...
Roberta- is that like a really nice "pay it forward" kind of deal? I love those. I promise, solemnly, that I will produce small and fabulous bags.
ginny- (great name. I'm still relishing it)
Indeedy. Gingerman vest. does it get much uglier than that? but you ought to check out my fortrel man pants that fleshed that yummy little item out.
No word on laptop. I am very afraid. So afraid I can hardly stand to think of it or speak of it. Two years potentially erased.
I'm really impressed that you did some uglies in our honor. Of course, photos would be nice...
Oh sorry last post was me. Roberta.
As for bed yes. I have to work at my yummy Starbucks at 7am. I better get to bed too.
Booooo Hooooo. I am happy for you, janice, but so sad for me because i did not get Foliage. I was tied up being a good hostess all evening and it wouldn't have looked very polite of me to be glued to my computer all evening. Hope you've got some of that luscious green left, dear Joyce.
Oh Karla, I was sooooo excited about being "samies" with you, but I have mine so that's what matters, right?
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