I hope you are all still rooting for my laptop. You know, I've had it for two years and have an awful lot of data on there- like every contact I've ever made for this here project. I'm not having any warm thoughts towards Powerland right now....Thanks a lot for losing all my data you mean, mean people.
(oh. I'm sorry- was that my "out loud" voice?!)
Meanwhile, I'm managing on Brian's computer. I know- boo-freakin' hoo, right? could be worse.
Well, no. Well, it could be, but that's no comfort.
Oh. Were you here about a bag?
I'm ever so sorry. I seem to have lost it underneath a huge pile of rant.
About the bag then. All those awesome colours that our mothers always told us didn't match. Well, those upholstery manufacturers sure proved them wrong, didn't they. We've got the purple with the blue and the brown, some gold, and some varying shades along all spectrums.
This here is the inside of the bag.
This here is the inside of the bag.
sometimes I get stuff donated to me and I'm just not completely sure that I'll use it... but then something comes along that is just perfect for it.
Hence, the boy's brown corduroy pants turned double pocket.
And a plaid pocket to finish the virtual outfit.
(these photos depict the bag turned inside out. Shows you a more accurate version of the interior.)
The strap- I joined up a few little sample pieces to get those hues travelling all the way up your arm.

Medium sized bag- approximately 11" x 11'.
Two pockets under the flap- nice for phone and keys.
Unless you, like me, have simplified your life and lost your keys roughly a year ago, and then lost the third cell phone about two weeks ago.
Makes for a lighter handbag.
(three more pockets inside.)
Bids begin at $25- Cdn. Auction concludes at 9:30 pm, cst, today November 4, 2009.
FAQ link in the sidebar.
Gin in the bar bar.
I'm first! I'll start at $40. I heart this bag.
I am in for $45 Joyce! Love the colours! And I think I am due for another!
heh joyce
great bag... but here is the point..my word verification is
cophy. I think you could get one at Tim's... on your way to Bdn.. to stop at Terry's ... on 6th.. who is a miracle data recovery expert.
while waiting, you could drop in and share in a motherload of flap sized sections of vintage - uh vintage new, as in never slept under - yo yo quilting. better than gold... trouble breathing...
your friend,
Ginny Barbar
LOVE it. i <3 joyce bags...
I suck at the phone.
Pam your bag is repaired...
yay thanks!
Alrighty then, $55.26.
Leaf Lady
I must say that this is getting exciting all over again- new names... new pseudonames...
we're having some differences of opinion, coupled with a hatred of conflict and a phobia of phones. Hence... I keep procrastinating phoning Powerland back to give them h*. I don't get on the phone. I don't put myself into a confrontational position.
And Brian thinks he knows of a good guy in Wpg.
If, as you say.. there is an actual miracle worker on 6th street (shouldn't that be 34th street?!)... then I should just go with Brandon. Complicated by not wanting to drive for a million hours...
vintage you say?
yo yo?
And hi Caddy, Anna, and Leaf Lady... See me waving at you?
Leaf Lady- you're not so clever. I'm onto you already.
Duh, ha, ha, did ya think I was trying to be "sneaky"? I kinda like the Leaf Lady name. Just don't go making me a bunch of business cards with that name on it.Unless if you want to have that done before the Ug Sweat Party.Any,any,anyways let's say $76.I hate it when the train goes by and just blares that stupid horn thing in my ear.Makes me in the mad.Leaf Lady
"makes me in the mad"- is that kind of like "I don't givacare"?
Gorgeous!!! You have found your muse once more! Congrats!
Gorgeous!!! You have found your muse once more! Congrats!
you do know Ginny Barbar is born of your blog...?
just loved your reference to gin..
and voila... new romance novel heroine... the lifes and times of Ginny Barbar... living in a fugue of fabric, faery dust, and juniper fumes...
cheers, Ginny
Ginny not on her game today...
if you can figure a way to car pool your lap top - at least as far as, say McGregor?
I could take it from there...
chin chin,
oh, And Ginny good at making phone calls... Ginny call Powerland for Joyce?
yes, yo yo
yes cophy.
yes declared the breathless Ginny.
You have to slow it down for me sometimes. I write this stuff between 6 and 7 am, you know.
So, I jsut had to re-read the post to fully understand the commentary.
gin in the bar bar= ginny barbar.
Okay. So the first voice sounded like BB. Then sort of Mary, but not at all- just the reference to McGregor. Then after that, it was clearly Leaf Lady going manic on me again.
v word: deranes. hmmm. deranes=deranged?
I reneg. I read it all over again, and I'm thinking BB all the way through.
I should have some gin.
That would clear things up.
and: Hi Phoebe! I love seeing a new name here!
Muse (plural Muses)
goddess of art: in Greek mythology, one of the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, goddess of memory. The Muses inspired and presided over the creative arts. They were Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania, responsible for epic poetry, history, love poetry, lyric poetry, tragedy, sacred song, dance, comedy, and astronomy, respectively.
(I had to look that up. Just in case some of you are as pedestrian as I... I chose to share.
a goddess, you say? pshaw. Don't stop, don't stop.
hah... Ginny wondered why she thought McGregor was close enough.
her memories were fractured...
was it mention of a second hand store?
It was your sis!
see- travel your laptop to your sister's - and I could shop at a second hand store in McG. ? and pick up your laptop... and take it to my personal pc hero.
if wpg. link doesn't work out.
Gin gin giroo
I love what I love,
I love what I do,
the banter is enlightening!
just heard a $77 in the crowd...
v word 'bilgin'
Hey Joyce, Love the lettuce sweater bag from yesterday, and love this one. But, those colours and corduroy remind me of something I can't remember, but I don't like. Weird. So, you are getting $77 and I am not going to outbid. Still waiting for another view of that quilt.
I LOVE the bags, every day.
I'll add another new name to your posts today, Joyce. I've been silently following for quite some time, and I absolutely love your creations! If only I had come across this one a little sooner!
....next time!
Joi :)
wow, my christmas shopping is nearing completion. THANKS joyce...
hi Joi!
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