More peace and rumours of peace. In some of my favourite colours- turquoise and brown.
These thumb shots are for Brian and Rose. Apparently I have horribly disfigured hands with twisted and bent extremities. Apparently when I point towards the location of some random item, it is impossible to tell what I am trying to communicate since my fingers and thumbs bend over and around themselves quite willfully.
So. I made sure to photograph the thumb bending the other way.
So there.
You're just jealous because your fingers don't do tricks.
Divine chennille.
Did I ever tell you the story of this chennille? No? Well. allow me to indulge me.
Years ago, I was at a yard sale. (shocking, I know) I spidey senses tingled in the presence of a whole, un-holey turquoise chennille bedspread still in its package. For fifty cents!
I freaked out. I immediately, undiscriminately broke into song animated conversation with the garage sale vendor, waxing on about my joy in finding this marvellous item for .50; about how chennille was sort of a hot item on e-bay, about how .50 was just the craziest price ever.
She wanted it back.
I said no.
But I offered to pay her $5.00.
A 100% mark-up thanks to me.
Now I'm practically in pocket overdrive.
The bit about "missing pieces'.
Have any of you more intelligent readers noticed that I've been throwing peace signs out there with great abandon, all the while missing pieces??? See that little stemmy bit cutting right down through the middle of the circular bit? Yeah. Me too. But only after numerous bags have already hit the market somewhat compromised.
I've decided that it is the feminine rendition of the peace symbol. Now don't get all hot and bothered that I say that after suggesting that it is missing pieces. We women miss nothing.
(although I do miss what little memory I used to have. I also miss a stomach without cellulite. I miss summer and spring a great deal too.)

About the bag then.
About the bag then.
Roughly 11" wide and 12" long.
Eight pockets.
Starting bid $25- Cdn.
Auction end time: 9:30 pm cst Thursday, January 28, 2010.
Gorgeous! $25 MK
Hey MK - you took the adjective right out of my mouth: gorgeous indeed.
I love the whole theme of course (and the flower power cars are adorable), but I also love that shade of blue and brown together.
Too funny.
I kept thinking ... something seems different... I should google peace images... ?
gender'ed peace signs...
you're good...
oh, and beautiful too. you and the bag!
I love it! $45
The cars are just too cute! Can never have too many peace bags - you know, spread the word.....MK
What great colours!!!!!!! $55
$50 It's perfectly perfect!
Janice P
Oyyyy computer at work is a tad slow
Janice P
65$!!...the n on the word verification has a dot over it..i don't have any letters like that..oh it didn't work haha
Yikes - did I ever get a deal yesterday! MK
Ah but Anonymous.....just look at the turquoise chennille bedspread strap. That is NOT worth 50 cents but sooooo much more. Imagine picking up that strap several times a day in your hand....ahhhhh
JP- you KNOW that's my love language! To feel that passion about chennille...
So is tomorrow the last peace bag? So wishing I had kept bidding on Mondays... it was perfect as a diaper bag for my new little guy, keeping my fingers crossed for another good diaper/carting kid stuff bag soon! This one is way too nice for carting kiddie stuff. LOL
Not sure if I'm keeping it (that's if it's mine) or paying it forward.
Thinking of selling tickets for it in a raffle with proceeds going to Haiti. To give or be selfish? Perhaps the tree bag gets to be raffled. Ummmm
Janice P
NOOOOOOO say it isn't so, i already made out the envelope and everything i LOVE this bag!! Well I guess it serves me right for thinking i had it in the bag, or had the bag..I should have known from the chenile comment that this was more serious than i thought....but at the same time, congrats Janice, well played :)
Chelsea...want to buy a pay it forward raffle ticket? $2 each.
Ok ok you've twisted my arm. No idea where you live but I'll throw in a ticket on your behalf and who may still get it.
Joyce cheque is on the way.
Happy JP
sure I will buy some tickets! How?
aaaaahh. An entire community bonded in the common knowledge that a turquoise bedspread is worth the 100% mark up. Also quite bone-chillingly wonderful to imagine the bag that sends %75 to our fellow women and children in Darfur and then marches forward to do the same in Haiti.
A little bit can go a long way.
That bedspread could be upstairs.... on my bed....
(friday though...oh no. gotta get up early for the basketball tourney...)
Can't believe I missed this bag. I feel like such a "bag". Oh well, maybe there will be more! schwester Mary
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