Okay, so I made a bag similar to this one a few weeks ago and............
I just couldn't sel it.
I kept it for myself, and I've been happily using it since.
After all, it employs just a few of my favourite things.

Soft green pile. Buttons. Rik Rak. A tablecloth. Brian's discarded shirt.

A pink and calico apron, an old house dress, some hankies.

A pink and calico apron, an old house dress, some hankies.
Some ticking fabric.
(I immediately used the rest to salvage Micah's favourite pillow that seems to lose more feathers than most chickens I know.)
The soft green used to be a curtain, I believe. It came to me as a long strip- like someone needed to cut off the bottom foot of a set of curtains for it to fit their window. Amazing, if they knew what had become of the bottom 12 inches of that curtain...

I had to get a close-up of that pink apron bit. Such beautiful detailing on it. I'd like the seamstress of that piece to see what's become of her project.

I had to get a close-up of that pink apron bit. Such beautiful detailing on it. I'd like the seamstress of that piece to see what's become of her project.
And all that delicious, beautiful ric rak? probably got it at the thrift shop for 25 cents. Or as a great score at a yard sale.
Buttons. I used to hold onto them pretty tightly, and would have a hard time putting all those specialties on one piece; fearful that its next owner wouldn't precisely understand their sentimental value to me.
I'm letting that all go.
For you.
Isn't that Spaaaaaacial?
specs: 9.5 wide, 10.5 tall.
seven pockets, plus one for your pen.
starting bid: $25- Cdn
Last bag of the week, this auction closes at 9:30 pm, cst tonight, February 19, 2010.
This bag even makes me like pink. $25.
That green - that luxurious gorgeous green.... so wonderful. What a pretty button garden you created.
oh that's really funny! and wonderful... I made Tanya like pink. I really did it!
Hi Joyce, Still check this site and your blog everyday, My guaranteed dose of "happy" for the day. This bag is just amazing, a reminder that spring is on its way. Love everything about it. $30Valerie C.
ric rac - I remembered that name even before I saw you mention it - what did we used to decorate with it? It was always a staple in Mom's sewing machine drawer.
I am trying to visualize - did we sometimes have a ric rac (rik rak?) border around the hem of our dresses? It is beautiful and creative and nostalgia inducing on that bag.
Cute bag. I'll bid $35. This is my first time posting here but I have admired your bags and your generousity for some time.
I like it more everytime I see it. $40 Valerie C
I love the ric rac, oh, I guess I love everything about it. Schwester Mary
I think I've missed it, but I'll try anyway. $45.
Ack - I did miss it.
Next time.
so sweet!
too bad/lucky i missed this one. i could not have resisted.
i love the ric rac attack.
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