It seems that I'd made a bag that got lost behind some other bags hanging around the place. So, in addition to that button piece that I mentioned last week, and the bag that still exists in my mind's eye- we also have Josh in pieces.

I never tire of turquoise, and for those of you who understand the passion in chenille; here's another piece of it for your viewing or handling pleasure. 
Here's where Josh comes in. He's a nifty guy who I've only met once- at a top secret hand-me-down/Darfur bits and pieces hand-off. His mother Bev handed over some of Josh's clothes to use up on the project- something that josh himself had taken an interest in. First, we put the pants to good use on our own Sam, since he was the perfect size for them. When he shot up and out of them, I stacked them up with my other goodies to get re-birthed into something else. The great thing about cargo pants is that the pockets have already been made for us. They come in a great shape and size and look a lot better here than in the landfill.
And isn't the great motivator of peace, Love? Isn't it because we love one another that we wish the fighting would go away? We want peace in our minds and bodies so that we can fully engage with the people around us whom we love.
bag= 9.5" both ways.
$25- Cdn starting bid.
Auction end: 9:30 pm cst, today, February 2, 2010.
Hi Joyce;
What an honor to wake up and see our own offspring(and more importantely those cargo pockets) being saluted today!!! I don't know who Josh is, but I'm sure that he is as loved and precious as our own Zach. HAHA! Its Monday a.m. Joyce so you are soooooooo off the hook!
Our children and peace...I can't imagine a more perfect combination. Its what I wish for our home, our community, the world, but most importantly, in our hearts!
Its beautiful (the idea and the bag!)
I also love this bag! $35!!
:( sorry, bev. No excuses worth trying out here. Just got his name entirely WRONG!
My beautiful neice graduates this summer from grade 12 and this is absolutely her
I bid $50
Wow what a nice aunt :)
I'm sorry, but I must bid $54!!
hi joyce, just wanted to wish you you, kettie.
Sorry Chelsea, I have 6 birthdays this month and this would be perfect! $55
buut buttt this chennille is so beautiful...i must bid $56
Darn you got it Chelsea! Enjoy it and love it deeply. :)
:) i'm sorry I feel like i took the last piece of cake at a birthday party where there wasn't enough cake...but I will most definitly love it deeply or i might be giving it to someone who will love it deeply!
Hey Joyce. I was really wanting to bid on this bag but was waiting till tomorrow february 2nd. Did you mean to say it ended on the
1st or the 2nd???
oh dear. My mistake.
Ok, since the bidding continues, I will bid $57!
well what fun would it be to just let it go now :) I bid $58
WEll I am just going to throw my bid out there cause now I don't think I will make it home in time for the 9:30 close which is actually 8:30 in my world. So I say $59.
62 please from the auntie who loves her almost graduating niece
i feel the race nerves!!
two time winner, Chelsea!
(should I pull some random act of cruelty and make this auction go on tomorrow, all over again?)
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