I can't stop.
And I hate injustice.
I hate knowing how comfortable I am, how complacent, how responsible; while people all around me but not within my range of vision are suffering intolerably.
Through the years of the Darfur Project, I've wished for more time. Time to advocate and educate. To go into local schools and encourage some innovative fundraising. To raise the eyes of the youth from their navels and cell phones and into the eyes of another.

So, imagine my excitement and joy upon learning that Neelin high school in Brandon MB decided to use the oppurtunity of dramatic presentation in their annual major theatrical production to raise awareness and funds for the people of Darfur!
(Neelin theatre events, italics mine)
Further to that, a friend from back in the day contacted me to ask whether I was interested in being involved in some capacity!
(does a bear poop in the woods? Does a toddler pee in a freshly laundered bed? Does the world need more love?)
So, although I knew it was impossible, I agreed.
This seems like a good time to remind myself and others that I don't actually have stock. I pretty much go day to day around here- stealing a few minutes here and there, getting up early, sewing while kids throw beanie babies at the basement ductwork above me. I'm like the closet alcoholic who hides bottles in the laundry, trash, and pantry. Except around here it's notions and sewing machines. ( My upstairs bernina; my downstairs bernina; my precious pinkie, and then the turquoise machine in my dining room- just for looks.)
Well, I couldn't very well show up in Brandon with a pink sewing machine and a smile, so I had to get busy and find a few extra minutes. Like early Saturday and Sunday mornings. And most of their afternoons. Maybe parts of their evenings. Plus some stolen time in between.
And I've managed to get a small selection stored up.
But all the while, I've felt like an adultress, cheating on my faithful and patient stalkers, droolers, and buyers right here at Bags 4 Darfur. So, I got wondering. Do you want to come along for the ride? I have to keep hoarding stock, since no matter how hard I work, I'll never get enough bags made before April 9. (even after strategically shipping half my family off to a foreign land....)
Since I know many of you enjoy the daily fix of checking up on what's been whipped up by the night time shoemaker's elves... I wondered if it would be enough to keep you following that juicy carrot if I shared bags with you along the way?
So, until after the weekend of April 10 (yay! my kids come home that day!!) I'll be posting some eye candy. After that, it's back to our regularly scheduled programming of bag auctions and sales.
Meanwhile, plan to be in Brandon MB on April 9 or 10 for an amazing production. Besides. I'd like to meet more of you.
I'll be the lady behind the bags- handing out website addresses, and encouraging people to use their passions to try and make a difference in this world.
I might even be the lady behind a sewing machine, trying to pound out a few extras while I'm there...
I am excited for you! What an opportunity, and I look forward to following your posts. Hope to catch up with you there, and if you need anything like thread or fabric let me know, or anything else I could help you with. BBNM
Way to go Joyce!! What an amazingly awesome idea and opportunity! I was wondering......would it be helpful to have some 'volunteers' come by to do the cutting for you? So you can spend you time sewing? Or would that make things more stressful? Because if it would help I could probably find my way out of the piles and piles and piles of tax returns I have to do to help out!
My favorite kind of eye candy! It spares me the temptation of bidding, which I can resume doing on or around May 15 when I have a regular paycheck again. Hurrah for the end of school!
Joyce, you've single-handedly saved my marriage! I love the eye candy, but have some sort of disease that makes my hands type in bids even though I know I have too many bags already. I'm sure I speak for Bruce when I say this is a wonderful, masterful plan!
yay! Thanks, friends.
I do need help. Do I stink at delegating? profusely.
BBNM, I hope you come to that production. And sit with me for a bit. Twould be sweet.
Lisa- I do need help. With literature ideas. and cutting. I really must figure this out. Keep me accountable! (get it? accountable? ha ha)
(Her husband is an accountant.... hardy har)
Jenni- do you head home then? And are you back next year?
Tanya- love it. In my spare time, I do marriage interventions.
Let me know what I can do to help Joyce.
(and I forgive you for that terrible accounting joke!)
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