I'm spending considerably less time in my basement and an impressive amount of time in my back yard.
I like it that way.
Soccer starts this week, which puts me on the sidelines four nights of the week. Then there's basketball which can fill two to four other nights per week. No. I'm not pursuing the cloning option. (Although. Say, I were able to split both my thighs into two portions. Then you'd get my attention...)
Barring that, I've decided on a new bag format. Well, I'm borrowing a great idea from Made4Aid, if you must know. Instead of posting a bag each morning, I'll post what's available for the week, and leave the bids open for several days. That will allow me to spend the evenings cheering or chatting as the case may be. It will also allow me to maximize what I have of weekends for creating said bags, and leave the weekdays for cramming in everything else.
Besides, we have a ways to go before meeting our goal of $400,000.00
And that's modest.
That's only one dollar per person who has lost their life in the conflict thus far.
Scroll on down to find these three treats.
Please leave your bids in the post that goes with the bag that strikes your fancy.
It's good to be back.
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