Things that make me smile.
When a family goes through Mother's sewing room and labels boxes of remnants: "Schnippatsh Joyce"
I especially liked discovering ticking fabric (ahhh, ticking fabric. Something homey and magical about it) And this one random scrap of kitty cat fabric. I love it.

Meanwhile, my sewing room door grows heavier.
I think I'm up to nineteen completed bags.

It's been fun.

Now, I'm moving on to neckties and taking a break from buttons for a bit.

And oh, how sweet it is.

Now, I just gotta make the bag that goes beneath it.
Congratulations! You are such a heroine! Never conceiving of the smallest measure of personal leisure time for yourself while others are away. Instead, you ramp up bag production astronomically, marshal the troops, & steadfastly champion the Darfur cause to an ever widening audience!
You have no peer, you are simply one of a kind, wonderful & always, always inspiring! :0)
Always A Fan
Joyce if you are in Brandon on friday night for the production I will gladly help you set up your wares
Just let me know
I would not be able to be there Saturday
The smallest measure of personal leisure time for yourself while others are away. Instead, you ramp up bag production astronomically, marshal the troops, & steadfastly champion the Darfur cause to an ever widening audience!
You have no peer.
Online shoes
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