Monday, May 10, 2010

Poppets and Wheaties

Take your claws out, ladies.

A tote bag made from the remaining vestiges of the poppy and wheat tablecloth.

Seriously. I can't make more of these.

It is lovely. So delicate.

I turned it all inside out so that you get a good look at her pockets.
The tote is about 17" wide and 14" deep.

We martyrs here in Manitoba had summer already. It was about two weeks ago, and I spent mine in the back yard with my friend Karla, the neighbourhood children, and a picnic lunch.
It was wonderful.
Should summer ever come this way again, I imagine how perfect this tote would look slung over your shoulder as you make your way to picnics and parks.
All cynicism aside, please start your bids at $25- Cdn. Poppets and Wheaties (I had to get kind of creative on a name since last week's feeding, lying, cheating frenzy was called "Poppies and Wheat") will remain on the auction block until 9:30 pm, cst on thursday, May 13, 2010.


tanya said...

I do love those poppies $25

Estate said...

$28 Love it

Anonymous said...

Thanks for more poppies Joyce!
I bid $30!

Giulia said...

Hmmm. Sort of afraid to come over here. Must strategize. Well, $31.50. For now. Thanks, Joyce.

Anonymous said...

Hand off my poppy bag!

joyce said...

hey, if I had a roomful of poppies, I'd just make those! They seem to provide some entertainment, and a few rave reviews.
good luck, ladies.

Susan said...

Congratulations to whoever slapped me down. I think I'll make my own...bag, that is. Cheers.

joyce said...

yeah, it can get harsh around here! Anna, you landed yourself a bag!

Anonymous said...

I am in ONtario so what is the postage again? Also do you have paypal now, rather than sending a cheque?
