Listed below, and numbered from one through to ten are a series of tote bags that are for sale. They were pieced together in the basement of a woman who is trapped indoors by ice, snow, and minions of preschoolers. These tote bags are simple, practical, and very durable. Made out of brand new upholstery samples which were donated by a special young lady who works at our local furniture shop, these bags are built to last. You could shop for freaking rocks with these babies. (don't quote me on that)
All proceeds go to the World Food Program to help displaced and desperate people in and around the Darfur region of the Sudan.
If you would like to support a worthwhile cause, and have a tote that you can carry with some pride and pleasure, just leave your name and the number of your heart's desire in the comment box. I'll accept any proposed price with a minimum of $10- per bag. (and really. Ten dollars is a very acceptable amount).
I am currently reducing a mass stack of upholstery pieces. I think I've made a dent; thirty bags later. But seriously folks- I think it rained upholstery around here over the past four years or so. Help me out before I'm permanently buried and land up on The Hoarders.
#1: sold to Janice!
#2: sold to my childhood friend IRIS!
#3: sold to Tanya for $15-!

#4:sold to the lovely IRIS!

#5: sold to Erin for $20-!

#6: sold to Jenni!

#7: Sold! thank you, Valerie!

#8 sold to Erin for $20-!

#4:sold to the lovely IRIS!
#5: sold to Erin for $20-!
#6: sold to Jenni!
#7: Sold! thank you, Valerie!
#8 sold to Erin for $20-!
#9 was with us for such a short time.... Can you believe it is sold already?! Thank you Lorraine!

#10: sold to Tanya for $15-!

#10: sold to Tanya for $15-!
And that's the way it is. This time.
Like it? Name it. Claim it.
Or just leave a comment.
confused in any way? Send an e-mail to
Well, maybe not with ALL your confusions. I'm not really qualified to deal with those....
Ooooh! Oooooh! #3 and #10 $15 each!
I'd like #5 and #8 please. $20 each?
Waaaa. Can I outbid Lorraine for #9? I want I want. Please make another funky one like this.
Thank you, my sweets!
Shall search through my stacks for more "funky"- it seems that the couch industry is filled with florals and solids. Not so much funk.
#6 is mine! on a student budget of $10, please.
I will have #1 please, and also the green chair - it would look great in my living room. Thanks. I will pay extra for the chair.
you can HAVE the chair if you pay for shipping. I bought it years ago for $10- at a favorite thrift shop and have enjoyed it very much. Sadly the kids have bounced a spring out of the bottom, which is now held together with a garbage bag and a bungee cord. Just this week, it also became crippled, as the front leg bent at an unnatural and painful looking angle. I'm afraid she may be destined for a landfill not near you...
But the bag! THAT you can purchase(thank you...)
Wishing I had seen these in time, they are all so nice, I would have had trouble picking just one. Hope there are more coming soon, and I will try to be more alert. Valerie C.
I looked again and if I am right, #7 is still available, if so would like it for $20.. Valerie C.
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