Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another successful, productive week has drifted/jetted away. We are on the eve of the last long weekend of the summer, and so the next bag will be posted on Tuesday, September 2, 2008.

Meanwhile, I am waiting for a response for "Courtesy" which went to "rastagal99" three bags ago. If you return here; please send me an e-mail to work out shipping details and let me know your whereabouts.

1 comment:

rastagal99 said...

Hi Joyce-I am so glad to hear from you because I have sent you two emails from my hotmail and I knew I was doing something wrong...I am so sorry! I am the `courtesy` bag owner! Please let me know what the next step is so I can get payment to you for this bag, I am so sorry about the delay, but I guess you have not received the emails-am I supposed to respond via the blog. Can you contact me through my email and then I will be sure to get your message:
Sorry about all the trouble I am new to this and as you can see I am not so good with technology-sorry :)Karen