Thursday, August 20, 2009


You know what's wildly exciting?
A smart friend imported the second darfur blog (Bags4Darfur) into THIS original blog. That photo uploading problem has since been resolved. So, now-- all the Darfur bags are bag on one singular blogspot!

Exciting? I thought so.

Look for some type of bag auctioning information, coming up soon.


Anonymous said...

I am waiting!

PamJ said...

woohoo! so very exciting :)

Karen said...

I happened to be out and about with one of your fabulous bags today and had no less than 3 people want to know where I found it...and I was happy to point them in this direction although I let them know you have been on hiatus :)

Roo said...

thanks for making my
day day day!

Laura said...

Hi Joyous. Come over for coffee, please. Elderly sis L.