A handy pocket under the flap for your keys and stuff.
Yup, it is true.

Now the boys have that to fight over; and not just the wii.
We're very concerned.

Two more handy pockets on the inside.
What fun it was to trim this tree. Almost as much fun as trimming the Christmas tree. Actually- more because this one I could do all by my big self. No one else's opinions to nag at me.
Now the boys have that to fight over; and not just the wii.
Two more handy pockets on the inside.
Here's the thing about today's bag. It has been cold here in this hopeless and bleak province that we refer to as Manitoba. Very cold. I wonder all the time what that must be like for the addicted and depressed, cold and homeless in Winnipeg. Just this morning I received an e-mail from Siloam mission appealing for funds for December meals.
For $35.64, Siloam Mission can offer twelve people meals.
I think I spent that on lego for one advent calendar. Sometimes I think we've got Christmas all wrong.
So here's the thing. Hit each other with purses with great abandon. Stampede each other in the name of charity. Plow your way up that escalater. Pull that other momma's hair.
Whatever money our Cabbage Patch mini generates will be forwarded to Winnipeg's Siloam mission. I just can't not.
(If anyone is here reading and wondering "What the heck is this woman on about?!" then refer to yesterday's comments. All will become clear then.)
Time is continuously railroading me; what with band concerts, recitals, swimming lessons, basketball , blah ,blah, blah. So I didn't get this posted at 7:00 am as my ideals dictate.
We'll leave this auction open until Friday, December 11,2009 at 9:30 pm, cst. Now you'll notice that I rarely declare a winner at that time because I'm often in bed. But that's for another post.
Please start bids at $25- Cdn.
It's just beautiful!
I'll start at $30
Kelly in Alaska
And you're right about Christmas. Every year, my intention is to make it less commercial, less about material gifts, but it never quite works out that way.
I'll bid $45, even though I'm going to be winning a Peace Bag soon (that's a not-so-subtle plea). :)
Always A Fan
i worked the past year as a youth worker at the youth shelter in red deer alberta. our winters are warmer than yours... but i would not have guessed how much delight an individual might take in a clean, new pair of socks. i sometimes miss the days when i lived in blissful ignorance... i cannot ignore people when their faces, their names, their stories have become threads woven into my reality. their stories break my heart, but i do not have the freedom to separate myself from the heartbreak - i would begin to unravel inside. last Christmas, I got to spend the day at the shelter with the kids. this year, I'll be with family, although I look forward to dropping off a package of hand warmers my mom got for the kids - a sheer luxury! - when i go in on another of my shifts.
wow... that was more verbose than needed. my own rant of the day. evidence that i should spend more time writing on my own blog. ;)
merry Christmas, friends!
very very cool joyce.
the bag. the cause.
not the computer woes.
WHOOOPS! me hubby is logged in. ON MY COMPUTER. how'd that happen?
the above comment was from me....rufus....NOT brian.
awww... for a second there, I thought it was MY Brian. But roo, you are at least second best. (I noticed your big brother's name on that Siloam Mission thing, you know. Talk about your cool.)
Jenni in Red Deere- not in any way too verbose. I so appreciate every word of it, and would like to hear more. But I think you're coming my way, and you'd like a "familiar face" in the vicinity; wouldn't you!
wonderful bag Joyce & looks like you are all having fun with it too! BBNM
joycie: yes. that is cool too. (re the brother) but he is the LITTLE brother. tho he often thinks otherwise. ;)
One month and counting, and i'll be in near you... and yes, a familiar face will be very very welcome. so look forward to seeing you!
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