What do you get when you cross a red velveteen maternity top (ghastly thing. Came in a box of mish mash donations. Great fabric, horrible what-not-to-wear type item), two tablecloths, some gorgeous dotted swiss (thank you BBNM!), and a homemade garment bag with a random selection of remnants?
Now, I know. I'm making myself pretty vulnerable by taking these photos in the early morning and posting them on the internet. Allow me to explain.
There's a sweet child sleeping on my living room couch. The winter sun is meager.
The kitchen light is fluorescent. Pretty? no. Adequate? yes. So, that's where the photos occur.
Now you all know that I don't have baseboards. Never will. I've forgiven the man.
I sure have a faithful kitty cat though; don't I?
I know.
I'll get 24 more kitties and line them up all along the periphery of my kitchen. Post a tutorial. A DIY Kitty Baseboard.
Probably win some awards.
Were you here about a bag?

I so enjoyed the last chubby birdie that I created out of a calendar tea towel, that I just had to make another one. (that might happen a few more times before the curtain closes...) I paired our birdie with that unfortunate red velveteen pregnancy smock (isn't it wonderful how far maternity clothing has come?!) and those funky dotty bits- a remnant from a woman who fashions slings for babies. (darnit, I can't find that link right now. Help me, Svea?) We practically have a life cycle here. The maternity top= the baby sling. Can we call the bird the baby and then say that I planned the whole thing?
Then there is the dotted swiss on the shoulder strap. Sometimes life is so fabulous. Here's a wee story for you.
I used to have a next door neighbour who turned into a friend. After a while, we both moved to other places, and GG got a new neighbour. That neighbour has a mom, who through the process of my neighbour turned friend turned someone else's neighbour...... learned of the bag blog. She's a kind and thoughtful sort (lots of those out there) and she sent me some fabrics and a handwritten letter which I have hanging on my fabric shelf. (must photograph...). I think I'll write about it later on Blunderview as one of my "happy"s.
For now, I'll include a snippet from the letter that explains where the dotted swiss in the shoulder strap comes from;
"This fabric was likely used for a dress for my friend in the 1950's. We are both in our early 60's now. When (her) mom died she passed on some fabrics as I am a quilter. I wouldn't use dotted swiss for a quilt, but can see it used on a strap or as lining or any other part of one of your bags".
And so it does.
Pockets: two beneath the flap, and seven inside.
Auction specs: $25.00 Cdn minimum start.
Ending time: tonight at 9:30 pm cst-- March 3, 2010.
I will bid $50.
Go, Wendy, Go!
yep, another beautiful bag -- goes with all the gold medals Canada won! Schwester
Being a hockey sister, round robin makes me think of a entire weekend sitting in the stands of a cold arena. This is MUCH more pleasant than that! Hopefully spring will come soon and we can see some living round robins. In the meantime, this bag is loverly.
Fine Wendy - be that way!
Maternity tops and baby slings: it's just too perfect for where I am in life right now. Besides, I need a new diaper bag and would rather give you my money than, well, a retailer.
Decaf Jen
PS: I can give you all of my maternity clothes to cut into shreds. Except for the pants -- because they're the only things that fit.
Gilly Bean has a bag for her diapers. Jennifer, e-mail me at re-joyce@mts.net
let me know if you prefer paypal or to send me a cheque. Tell me your location.
aww can't believe i missed this one :(
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