Amazing what one can find near the bottom of one of those XXL ziploc bags hanging around under the dining room table. That piece of bright green with the paisley-type brown and
blue-ish tinges set me off on another Tanzania flight.
The strap, again, is from the 1970's Tanzanian donation. Hence the name.... Tanzania.
I did a close-up of the back because of that really great green quilt. And unless there are more scraps in giant ziplocs hiding under some other furniture, I think I am dangerously near the end of that hand stitched quilt.
I have gotten in the habit of making two side panel pockets. I think it would be handy to have one for the keys; one for the phone. Or as my friend Alice says; one for the candy wrappers.
Words are cheap. A flight to Tanzania; not so much.
How 'bout a bag then?
I'll be here, at 6 pm, cst to close the deal. Don't be shy. And if you just want to leave a comment, and you don't intend to bid, I'd love that too. I consider them "encouragement cards" and I'm all greedy for those.
And for chocolate.
But if you cyber sent that; it would probably get all squishy.
Good Morning Joyce!
I'll start the day's bidding at $40. I love the green and the contrasts within the bag.
Glad to see that you made it up to the site a little earlier this am (he!he!)- you threw my morning off yesterday. No kids for me to worry about only a dog...
Good morning! What I want to know is why you are up so early on summer break?! Believe me, my morning was pretty thrown off yesterday too. Yuck. How I hate to sleep in. This morning- much better. I even awoke to a relatively clean kitchen. Now, that's a sharp contrast to the every day.
Loved the last Tanzania bag. Happy to see you saved some scraps just for me (I hope). I bid $45. Melissa
I'm a morning person, I love the mornings - the quiet, the sunrise, the dew... So, you have become part of my morning routine like some are addicted to coffee, I to your blog and bags.
I also love getting yard and house jobs done before noon so I can do lunch, afternoon beverages... and whatever else comes my way. :)
I'm a morning person too! Especially once the timer goes off on the coffee machine and the rich aroma creeps into my bedroom!
No coffee for this girl but a dog who cries if he's not out walking by 7 am... it's a good thing?
Morning Joyce and ladies!
CarlaG here the proud owner of 3 re-joyce bags...just thought I would check in, this one is a real beauty! And visiting the blog and checking out the daily bag has become a part of my routine too!!!
How bout $75?
I to have had the honour of purchasing three bags and wear two of them proudly (am trying to save the third for a gift but I'm weakening).
.... and all that before 9:00 am. I like my mornings too, if I get enough sleep. And I need too much sleep for the lifestyle I've painted myself into. I wish I were one of those whirling dervishes who goes and goes and goes on four hours of sleep. *sigh* I need at least nine...
Melissa- coffee on a timer. That's clever, and organized, and I'm sure that your kitchen is always clean when you get up in the morning. Nice. I may try that "setting the coffee maker" idea once the winter darkness starts to creep in.
Zewom- I like you even though you don't drink coffee. I can't understand it, but I'm working on not judging people. :) Walking the dog? That sounds glorious. Ours just poops on the floor and I walk it to the backdoor whilst yelling obscenities. (not really) More like whispering "bad doggie" so the kids don't wake up)
Afternoon beverages? We can be best friends. My sister came over last week for her lunch break at 2:00 and Brian made us lime margueritas. His are the best in the west. and the east. and the north. and the south.
Carla- I think your third bag may make it into the city this evening.
I bid $90
It’s “A.J. and company!“ I was secretly hoping you had some of this beautiful material left! Paisley catches my eye every time. My sweet husband tried to buy Tanzania last time and just missed out on it by one minute. Let the fun begin!
opps guess i'm a little eager, pressed the publish post button twice!
Once again - to rich for me......(sigh) day.....those marguerita's sound wonderful!!!!!
Before you ship the other two...$100
Thanks for the update Joyce...looking forward to the Crysanthemum bag!
I cannot help myself.....$125!
I have the pleasure of awakening to three little girls! Enough to keep me busy...! ;)
They are 7, almost 5 and 5 months!
How about you regular bloggers that are as addicted to Joyce's site and bags as I am?
beautiful bag Joyce, I have no idea how you do one a day!!
Someone send Carla G over to Zaza bags too...she's a maniac!!
I'm not sure whether I should be saying this so proudly, but in response to Carla G, I'm also addicted to viewing these bags, and often neglect my 2 boys to do so. I feel like a bit of a broken record always telling you how beautiful your bags are, and how gifted you are Joyce, but you just keep turning out such beauties that I can't help myself. My only regret is that I didn't marry rich enough to be buying my 10th bag yet...maybe someday my solitary bag will have a friend, sigh.
Hey Pluckymama!
What and where are ZaZa Bags?
I think you better keep that info from me.... I am slowly going broke!
Ha! Ha!
P.S You sound sweet. Great sense of humor! This just seems like a win-win way to help someone help out a good cause.
I've been saving my pennies to buy one of these amazing bags that supports an amazing heart for justice.
My heart just cannot let this one's my B-Day on Monday....the big 31!
Carla - I don't wanna infringe on Joyce's customers :)
I do not plan on straying from Joyce's is such a good cause and I know her via another friend. So definitely not taking my bidding elsewhere Pluckymama.
You got me Falks!
Too rich for my blood today!
See you ladies in here again tomorrow!
Congratulations if you win Falks!
235,343 Tanzanian Shilling or $200 :)
This is just an insurance bid, because i think you will come get it...although you already have plenty of bags, and I have none so maybe you are playing fair. Oh well it is for a good cause. Hope I get it.
is it 6 yet?
Naw, I will play fair! I almost slipped there for a sec, but don't want to be one of those people who outbid by $1...definitely not fair!
It's yours Falks!
:) !!!!!
thanks so much. my wife was bidding earlier and then she had to leave so i was left to try. she will be very happy. thanks and have a great bday. i'll buy you ice cream if we meet. :)
thank you Falks. Please e-mail me immediately at We'll chat.
Sweet Falks!
Hope your wife enjoys the bag!
I live close to BDI! (Hint,hint!)
Ha! HA! Just kidding!
!!!! the "falks' aka "aj and co" are my very good, good FRIENDS! SO HAPPY FOR YOU ANG!
you are hilarious!
Wowsa!! Good work Joyce!! I love what you're doing for darfur!!
Carla - Good!! I feel like I had stuck my foot in my mouth. I was totally joking though. I seriously DONT want that to happen.
K. Gotta love the Falks. Here they are saving up pennies to go help out peoples in a different country...and then off they go blessing someone else helping out another place in the world. GREAT HEARTS- glad you got the bag! :)
Indeed. Glad you got the bag. I may be a bit delayed but it took me until last night to put the math together and recall that the last Tanzania had two sweet men bidding for their wives. Now that's something I like to see on the blogspot. Good people doing good, thinking of others, buying for others, building a sense of community. And now both women got the Tanzania that they'd hoped for.
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