I am recycling the label of the recycled upholstery fabric that forms the body of this fun-filled bag. Particularly because it says; "all worsted wool", which made me think of yesterday's wooly bag. Today will be a happy "hangover" from all that wooly bliss.
Besides, it passes flammability tests and recommends heavy duty use. Sounds dependable.
The strap is bright yellow (table cloth) on one side and a splash happy green and blue swirl on the other. The orange plastic belt buckle from less inhibited days of fashion just pulls the whole darned thing together.
Darn dog. Although there are roughly 19 piles of fabric scattered from one end of my work space to the other.... Much like wall to wall carpeting.... She INSISTS on laying on the bag that I am trying to work on.
Last night I marched myself up to bed without a finished bag when I overheard myself shout at the dog: "Don't you bleed on tomorrow's bag!!"
This bag has an extra pocket under the flap. So that's a total of five pockets- one in each side panel, two on the inside, and another hidden under the flap.
Today's bag is brought to you by: part of a quilt that I scored at Niv Thrift, a flowery bit of trim from Rosa, a yellow table cloth, some worsted wool from Mr Sample Guy, a bright green bit from baby sling making lady, some buttons with history, and some scraps of eyelet blouse from the Armbrusters' garage.
Not like I wandered into their garage and just helped myself. I do have a principle or two.
Same schtick, folks. If you want the bag, leave me comments and numbers throughout the day, up to 8 pm cst. It is fine to come back and re-bid just as often as you like. It is also fine (downright wonderful, in fact) to simply comment on the bag. Or lurk.
It's all good.
oh joyce that one is SOOO fun, i love it :) $45
That check pattern is awesome!
Beautiful, bright, sunshiny bag--love the buttons! Another Darfur blessing going out into the world!
Well done!!
that's me... chronic lurker...
it's just so inspiring to visit Joyce. love the bag. love what you do, and can't wait for the day when some of that hard earned pay cheque has my name on it. I know where to spend it!
ps. a visual note.. i love the background of photos.. ie. the couch I haven't seen, the flooring, and , is it, could it be, that amazing table that your beloved made for you. everytime you wipe it, do you think of him?
(everytime a mower doesn't start, i think of my him!)
boler babe
More happy colours!
i really love this bag!! :) it is so cute, and i wish i could bid... but... i probably shouldn't.
oh well. :)
(i'm practicing that line, "you can't always get what you want...")
The bag actually looks better in real life than in the bag, in my opinion.
Thanks for the tidbits.
I'm glad you find inspiration; I was just telling someone today about your unbelievably wonderful fairy houses. Hope you get that grainery done soon so that the fairies can find new homes...
Ah, the couch. $150.oo red nubuck leather couch from a yard sale. really. it was a $2500 custom made beauty, but then they had to change their colours! Lucky for me.
floor. looks like hardwood; but its the plastic replica... laminate. I guess i left the hardwood behind in my prior slum days. The table? Yes. amazing, and I still love it. Do I think of beloved every time? hmmmmmm.
I really love it when beloved wipes it himself!
How's that boler holding up? wanna trade it for a bag yet? :)
how to bid
am i in the right box said the wayward girl who is grateful to lory for your web page
i will be frequent flyer
i have these old drapes of my m.i.l that would be so retroly cool and fun
to the silly wayward girl.. hurry hurry it is almost 8 pm.
you just write your bid here.
if you get the bag - you do details with Joyce via email.
right Joyce?
back to holding wrenches for the honda spree repairs.. (our poor boy's version of a dirt bike!)
wayward... i think it is at 52 dollars... just scroll thru comments for last price bid.
I bid $53. Another great bag.
YOU GOT A RED LEATHER COUCH??!!!! that is awesome. so cool! so jealous!
roo, I'm quite sure you've seen it... probably buried under quilts and kids.
Anna, you got yourself a bag!
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