A few brown trees ago, a comment was made about desiring a larger size.

Point well taken.
I got right on that.

Besides, I had an old table runner hanging around the place that just begged to be part of a cause. So, it became a tree, two pockets, and the sides of a large bag.

(the back)

A small strip of brown cloth with quaint little trees on it has been delighting me for a long time now. It joined the runner and the tree and became a shoulder strap.

(Inside out. Two pockets)

Two more. One is very small and sort of selfish. I made it to fit business cards....
My business cards.

Then there is another sneaky pocket- right there on the inside side panel.

I hope you approve. I had a whole lot of pleasure putting it together.

I'm many hours behind "Ideal" for posting this bag, so it will remain on the auction block until Wednesday, December 9, 2009, at 9:30 pm cst.
You just might get it for $25-....
I bid $30.00
Janice P
No. Mine. $40
that's the closest I've come to a chuckle all day. You got a snort out of me!
;0Thanks, I needed that.
I remember going to The Bay downtown here in Winnipeg many years ago and seeing women pushing, shoving and hitting each other with their purses as they ran up the escalator.. that had been turned off so as no 'other' fatalities occurred...to buy a Cabbage Patch doll for their child.
I have just swung my very full purse at Ms Caddywumpus so I can get to the 6th floor!!
I bid $45.
Janice P
I think this bag takes the cabbage patch doll scenario to a whole new level :)
I bid 50$!
I'm throwing my $55 bones in the mix! It's my first bid ever....please be kind..
I think my Ethio baby will love to play with those buttons!
im sorry but i must bid 60$!! :)
I bid $70!!
Joyce - this is pure loveliness. The shoulder strap fabric with the little trees on it brings me great delight.
Oh Hannah...your soooo right.
That delightful thought brings my bid to $75.
Janice P
well, this is sweet!
I suppose you all know that the auction carries on for another twenty four hours?
This is nice to come home to... after two hours in the Dr's office.
well, there is nothing more energizing than seeing what Joyce is up to....
the joys of country living... your charming script is there, but no images!... 12 comments and I know it is pretty!
well, I will have to wait for a better connection tomorrow.
cheers, Ginny Bumpkin
Joyce, check out this book. Not that you need help with design ideas.
'Upcycle Anything into High-Style Handbags' http://snipurl.com/tmbkz
Oh, it's gorgeous, but perhaps out of my league now, given how busy my credit card has been of late. Might be back later regardless. :)
thanks for the link suggestion- I want to do something with zippers one of these days. An untapped resource!
i love it! perhaps i'll consider it again a little later this afternoon, when i decide if my overburdened budget can take it ;) beeeautiful! i check often for a brown tree bag, and now it's finally here!
WOW - I already have my own brown tree bag in my closet, ready fly with me to Toronto - to give to my sister. I did not notice until I got it, that not all the leaves are buttons - so cute.
This is a price record, since I have been watching these bags. na na na na boo boo I got mine for $65. And I didn't hit anyone at the bottom of the escalator (did I).
oh man, this is what I wanted! It's beautiful Joyce! Please, please say you'll make another one someday when my wallet isn't so empty?
if I have any sort of sense in me at all, I'll be making a forest of these, jobina!
Janice P
PS I had to work late, in the thick of an important meeting, eyes darting over to the clock...'ug it's late, very late...wonder if anyone else has outbid me?' Bad employee. Must still pick up child after my 3rd 13 hour day. Should I just leave him at ex's so I can get home to check online. Bad mom. I finished the meeting with decorum, I picked up the child....and I still get the bag!! Who said one can't have it all? It will go down in history that Janice and Janice both have brown tree bags.
Congrats Janice P.
Hey Joyce, does begging for another Peace Bag work too? :)
oh, but I LIKE bad people ;)
That was a pretty awesome event, what with 24 hours to spare and all. (e-mail re-joyce@mts.net and tell me your location. I think you are wpg. We could talk about a drop-off or post if you want it in 3 business days.)
Karen- I would definitely stoop to begging. Without question.
I'm thinking that peace is in the air...
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