I sold a couple of bags!
But not so many that I have none left to share with my virtual world. This fun and rewarding place I can visit any time when physically leaving my house is entirely, completely, utterly impossible.
So, the first bag I'd like to introduce to you has a grand little story attached to it. But first of all- remember the days when I lovingly christened each and every bag with a birth name? Well, this one is named; "Spot The Guinea Pig".
First one to spot Arwin-Das-Pig and offer their cash gets to keep the bag!
But first about the bag.
Which just sold to my special friend Carly!
My neighbour, worried that I would think her insane, phoned me nonetheless to entice me to venture out into the dark night with flashlights and one toddler in tow.
She didn't know me very well at the time.
it was very likely the birthplace of what I consider to be a lifelong friendship.
My dumpster diving neighbour and I took turns crawling into the container and pitching out box after box of wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, veils, satin pumps, and oddly enough- a beautiful piece of embroidered fabric- the very one you see on this June day.
We both have many pictures of our children and all our friends children playing endless games of dress-up from that epic dumpster event.
We both have many pictures of our children and all our friends children playing endless games of dress-up from that epic dumpster event.
Arianna doesn't seem to be too scarred from having to hang out in the back lane in the dark with her wacky mother and her awesome friend.
Certainly NEVER belonged in a landfill.
(hi piggy!)
(in case of rabid guineas)
I'm very fond of that little leafy piece with the blue berries decorating it. My volunteering/sewing/Darfur connection pal sent that to me in the mail. (thank you!)
Weirdest thing: a woman at the fair carried this around in my little main street shop for the longest time. She said to me; "This one is calling my name".
Details: the dimensions are 15" x 12" x 4.5".
The fabric is irreplaceable! (until the next time I live behind a bridal shop that floods and deposits its treasures into the dumpster that is behind my home. That shouldn't be long in coming.)
The fabric is irreplaceable! (until the next time I live behind a bridal shop that floods and deposits its treasures into the dumpster that is behind my home. That shouldn't be long in coming.)
I will take any reasonable offer of at least $40.00 Cdn.
Just leave me a comment, indicating bag #1, or "dumpster diving" or "spot the guinea pig" or any other creative combo of words that will lead me to believe you love this messenger bag.
Just leave me a comment, indicating bag #1, or "dumpster diving" or "spot the guinea pig" or any other creative combo of words that will lead me to believe you love this messenger bag.
Shipping to most places is about $12.00.
And now for:
Bag #2: The One That Got Away
Except that it already got away. Janice needed one more bag to make a well rounded collection of: 4,638,328 darfur bags.
The classic tote bag.
Perfect for all your toting needs.
(I should have gone into advertising)
Then she put it down and walked away.
How can you walk away from that?
What do you get when you combine a table runner with a throw cushion, one side of a pair of suspenders, some upholstery samples, and some trim?
I was so sorry about that, but what could I do?
Okay, seriously now.
The bag measures 13" x 14" x 4".
It is basic, unlined, very durable, and sort of magical.
I will accept any offer at or above $12.00 Cdn.
Bag #3 : This Aint Yer Grandma's Runner
A bag4darfur, silly.
This is her, all turned inside out. Someone somewhere along the line gave me this piece of fabric all adorned in fairies lolly gagging around in a flowery field. (Valerie Ruth?) I love its whimsical quality. That's why I saved even little pieces of it, and they became pockets in this here bag4.
But I'm fickle and moody with what I have laying around the place.
It was time to embrace the yellows and turquoise in my life.
So I'm passing some of the burgandy, brown, green, and beige onto you, my loyal friends.
So I'm passing some of the burgandy, brown, green, and beige onto you, my loyal friends.
You don't even have to carry it yourself, if you don't want to.
It's nearly entirely independent.
9.5" x 9" x 4"
9.5" x 9" x 4"
Any offer starting at $30.00 Cdn will be accepted.
Bag #4: Back to the Sixties: Now sold to Patti!
Bag #4: Back to the Sixties: Now sold to Patti!
Why, you ask?
Because its one of my favourites.
And it seems that I have eccentric taste.
If I truly love and adore a bag, it doesn't immediatly sell.
Maybe it just wants to stay with me?
And it seems that I have eccentric taste.
If I truly love and adore a bag, it doesn't immediatly sell.
Maybe it just wants to stay with me?
The green button that likely came off one of those plaid coats that we wore when we were little.
These are my favourite finds.
And when it says 1968 on it, I feel slightly irreverent cutting it into a bag- but what better way to celebrate it?
Much better than drying dishes with it- How Dull.
Much better than drying dishes with it- How Dull.
Well, at least for Jan, Feb, March, and little bits of a few other months.
The body is a vintage table napkin in all those glorious retro colours.
I was born at the wrong time and space?
Or possibly- just the right one.
14" x 12" x 4" are the dimensions.
Somehow I neglected to photograph the interior. There are actually six pockets inside, and one outside. The bag is fully lined as well.
I'd accept $20.00 for this here bag, and send it off with hugs and kisses.
Coming soon: an announcement regarding the final tally for the weekend.
It's good.
It's grand.
It's grand.
So, not only am I happy about a fun-filled, successful weekend at the fair, I also noted with some joy that the list of followers on the bags4darfur blog hit one hundred!
Who would have thunk it.
Thanks, all.
Thanks, all.
As always, comments are free today.
They often bolster me at low points in the day.
And sometimes send me rushing to my bernina with a new idea or two.
And sometimes send me rushing to my bernina with a new idea or two.
If you are interested in any of the four bags posted above, simply leave a comment indicating what price you are willing to pay. As long as it meets the minimum, we've got ourselves a sale. Then e-mail me at re-joyce@live.ca with your location and we'll work on shipping details.
Thanks, all. You've made my life a richer place.
great bags, all around. I like your dumpster diving story and the fabric that resulted. I collect calendar tea towels as well and I'm hoping to use them to make a linen quilt. sorry, no offer on your lovelies today -- I'll leave them for someone else.
Love all the bag stories. The tablerunner bag is sweet; are the suspender clips securely sewn on? (don't want to be losing my $$)
Thank You
Bag Lady
I want the pig and the turquoise bicycle, please. I guess there are 3 bikes in my garage and a lot of rodents (rabbits) around here that are self feeding, so I don't need them.
However, I NEED another tote - despite having 4,638,327 of them, and only 20 or so from bags4darfur. So, I will give you $40 for 'The one that Got Away' and it won't arrive for a while because of the postal strike, so then it will be like Christmas!!
LOVE your stories on your bag-blog.
it was magic... I never stop looking, but of course, there are less dumpsters in my world now. I did go trans canada hwy 'ditch diving' and found an abandoned bike...
I instantly recognized the fabric! funny how I can remember that, and not remember to pay my phone bill.
beautiful bags and beautiful blog!
cheers, from,
(beautiful boler babe!)
I'll just go ahead and APOLOGIZE FOR BLOGGER! for constantly putting massive spaces where I don't want them. I've only edited this roughly a billion times and I might actually go into a Menno-Rage in a minute here.
So, I'll back away from the gaps and spaces and try again later. sheesh.
Joyce, I love all your bags but that last one is my favourite too. That orange flower fabric has gone a lot of miles!
If I counted rigt, from your pictures I figure you sold about 51 bags?
Olivia will be by soon to pay you for her bag - she is busy, busy, busy with homework, voice recital, soccer...........
See you soon
I'm not worried about the money getting here asap, I know how busy this week is for us all. esp the kids.
The photos are somewhat misleading, as I photographed the bags that sold at the fair, plus any person who wandered by carrying a darfur bag from a different sale. I think I sold 46 bags, which was a happy occasion, for sure.
re the suspender strap bag- It's not sewn on securely, because it holds very well. I yanked on it and it went no where.
I have a great story on the turquoise bicycle that I must share on a blog.
more to say, but must dash.
Joyce I love this bag! If it is still for sale I would love it. Let me know and I will send 20$ your way.
Patti (sister of Rosa)
Patti, can I assume you mean the 1968 bag?
yes the 1968 bag.
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